Working on a DTH trying to setup associations between z-wave devices
I can’t seem to set or get the association information, I have tried multiple methods, these being the simplest.
The get command won’t give any info for groupingIdentifiers other than 1
Am I screwing something up ?
def setAssociation() {
log.debug "Set Association send to $zwaveHubNodeId"
delayBetween([ zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier: 2, nodeId: 1 ).format(),
zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier: 3, nodeId: 1 ).format()
], 1000)
def getAssociationReport(){
log.debug "Get Associations"
delayBetween([ zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier: 2 ).format(),
zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier: 3 ).format()
], 1500)
The logs for these two procedures:
dev:1922021-02-02 09:52:15.651 pm AssociationReport- groupingIdentifier:1, maxNodesSupported:5, nodes:[1]
dev:1922021-02-02 09:52:14.228 pm AssociationReport- groupingIdentifier:1, maxNodesSupported:5, nodes:[1]
What is the device you are sending this to? Does it have other association groups available?
It's a vision dual relay, documentation shows it should support 5 association groups.
The issue is that I don't seem to be able to see or set any other group than 1
Under SmartThings the device was able to report physical switch changes on both child devices.
So as per Z-Wave association documentation I'm trying to set the device to report relay/child 1 on association group 2 and relay/child 2 on group 3
All the testing I'm doing is only giving feedback for group 1, even though I'm specifically requesting data for group 3 an 4
AssociationgroupGet reports access to 5 groups but only gives information for group 1
I have now tried the same test code on other z-wave devices that are known to support associations.
With the same results, the Set and Get association class calls are only working for groupingIdentifier: 1 regardless of the group I set.
Anybody ?
Don't know... I was adjusting some group 2 associations maybe 2 weeks ago on my ge dimmer driver, and it worked fine for me.
This driver I believe:
Hi - any chance you could try my associationGet code on a device you know has current associations.?
I tried the z-wave basic tool, with the same issues
I'd like to know if it's a bug or if my code/understanding is at fault.
Your getAssociationReport from the first post, tested against my Jasco Motion Switch that has 3 association groups produced the expected results:
Thanks Tony
I found the issue..
It was command versions and documentation obscurity
I now have it working and my older non + z-wave device reports physical changes back to the hub like it used to under smartthings - WITHOUT POLLING
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