Zooz ZSE43 Tilt Shock

The little bb in those has been known to get stuck in one position. The solution is soldering in a mercury one. About $1.89

@mavrrick58 @rlithgow1 changed the CR2032 batteries , opened and closed the door , problem solved! I assumed it wasn't the batteries because I had changed it barely 6 months ago. Seems to be going through batteries quick. But the other garage door with same sensor doesn't do that.

Yeah. I also don't trust the battery level indication. When I first installed it, for the first month it was all over the place. From 100 to 1 in less than 24 hours, then back to 98. It took it about A month to settle down. I think now it is finally legit low. If so that works be about 10.5 months on one battery.

The real solution would be for the sensor to be reliable :slight_smile: the lack of reliability drives me insane. Where did you buy this mercury goodness ?

you can get them anywhere including amazon. Newer versions of the sensor use a gyroscope...