Zooz ZEN23 Issues. Switch auto turns self off

Having an interesting issue with one of my ZEN23 switches (firmware ver 4). The switch auto turns itself off anywhere between 3-6 minutes after its turned on, but still shows as 'on' in Hubitat. After it shuts off, when I try to manually turn it on nothing happens and I don't get that distinctive 'click' that one normally gets whenever a switch is manually turned on or off. I have to first turn it off and then turn it back on in order for it to work again. Unfortunately, the issue reoccurs regardless of whether I turn it on manually or via hubitat.

To ensure that some rule or automation isn't resposnible for the problem, I've remvoed the switch from every rule/automation. Also confirmed that the auto on/off function on its device page is disabled. I've excluded the switch, performed a factory reset and reincluded the switch, but the issue remains.... When checking the logs there's an entry for the switch when its turned on, but no entries when the switch turns itself off. The next entry (after the intial 'on' entry), is when I manually turn it off and on again.

dev:2712021-02-14 17:22:23.885 infoFront Porch Light: switch was turned on (physical)
dev:2712021-02-14 17:22:21.431 infoFront Porch Light: switch was turned off (physical)
dev:2712021-02-14 17:22:18.703 debugFront Porch Light: switch was turned on (physical) [NOT CHANGED]
dev:2712021-02-14 17:10:45.877 infoFront Porch Light: switch was turned on (digital)
dev:2712021-02-14 17:10:45.693 debugFront Porch Light: on...

Any ideas on what the issue may be?

Switch/Driver specs:

Currently using the "Zoos Zen Switch Advanced" driver:


  • Zooz ZEN On/Off Switches Universal
    • Model: ZEN21/23 - MINIMUM FIRMWARE 3.04
    • Model: ZEN26 - MINIMUM FIRMWARE 2.03
    • Model: ZEN71
    • Model: ZEN76
  • Changelog:

[1.4.2] - 2021-01-31 (@jtp10181)


  • Command to change indicator color (can be used from Rule Machine!)
  • New method to test the params and find the ones that dont actually work
  • Command button to remove invalid parameters

Switch firmware:

zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true
S2: 1
deviceId: 9500
deviceType: 45329
manufacturer: 634
inClusters: 0x5E,0x6C,0x55,0x9F
secureInClusters: 0x86,0x25,0x85,0x8E,0x59,0x72,0x5A,0x73,0x5B,0x70,0x7A
firmwareVersion: 4.00
configVals: [1:0, 3:0, 4:60, 5:0, 6:60, 7:15, 8:2, 9:0, 11:1, 12:0, 13:0]

17:22:18.703 debugFront Porch Light: switch was turned on (physical) [NOT CHANGED]

The log is telling me that when you first switch it on after it turns off that the switch itself has sent a report back to the hub that it turned on. It is pointing to a hardware problem and not software.

One thing I have seen mentioned a few times is the load connected, so what is the total wattage of your load (lights), or what type of bulbs and how many?

Thank you for your insight. Switch is connected to two LED porch lights (40 watt equivalent each).. Switch has been working flawlessly for three months before the problem started several days ago.

Are they just bulbs in normal fixtures? Any motion or light sensors in the fixtures?
When did you switch to my driver relative to the problem starting and what were you using before for a driver?

I would even try a different driver just as a test. And maybe even some different bulbs just to be sure.

But it sure sounds like bad hardware (switch) to me.

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