Zooz ZEN20 preference settings not saving in 2.3.3

My Zen20 powerstrips used to report power and energy. Now they don't. I change the "Preferences" in "Devices" and "Save Preferences" but the power/energy settings are reset to "Disabled [DEFAULT]" as soon as I leave the page. I also tried "Save Preferences" together with "Save Device" but that didn't change anything. The logs say I should save, and I am, but the changes aren't being saved.


  1. Bypass Hubitat's driver: How to Access Advanced Settings for ZEN20 Power Strip on Hubitat - Zooz Support Center
  2. Make changes to parameters using the above driver. Here's a list of settings: ZEN20 Power Strip Advanced Settings - Zooz Support Center Note that most of these settings will not work, but you
  3. Once you've done step 10 from 1., above, NEVER open the Power strip under devices. If you do, then repeat these steps.

I have added a driver for this device to my HPM plugs driver package: