Zooz Sensor Check-In?

I typically wake them up right before hitting the "Go" button in PC Controller, then wait a beat and if the FW transfer doesn't start, wake them up again (for Zooz devices, check the manual, but it's typically either 1 button press or 4 button presses depending on the device - I know that the ZSE42s are 4 and the 4-in-1s sensors are 1 press iirc). Obviously this is much easier if you can get a laptop with the Z-Stick close to the device and the device isn't in a spot where it's hard to wake - I have a few mounted pretty high and it's annoying when I have to do this.

edit: @jtp10181, I know you already know all of what I wrote, even though I was quoting/replying to you, my post was mostly for @dale.boyles's benefit.

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Update: I was able to update firmware using the Stick as a Secondard Controller. Definately NOT as fast a when the ZSE41 is connected directly to the PC Controller. Also, the slower update rate EATS the battery up!

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Zooz battery reporting can be...dramatic. Meaning, after a day or so, it will likely recover the vast majority of the lost battery life.

I once replaced the batteries of my ZSE 43 tilt sensors immediately before I did a FW update and they immediately reported 20% battery life. That was months ago and now they're both at 100%. It was admittedly winter too, so that was likely compounding the dramatic battery report.

If you haven't received this advice already, ignore the battery reports from your devices other than to use them as an early warning to have the batteries "in stock." Install the Device Activity Check App and only replace the batteries when the device falls off - it will save you a lot of battery money.

I have a few ZSE44s that spent ~8 months reporting 1% battery before falling off.

This basically applies to all of your "coin battery" devices or even the CR123As. The lithium battery chemistry results in much more of a cliff (e.g. 3v today, <2v tomorrow and device is dead) than a gradual decline a la alkaline batteries.

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I ended making a battery pack with two AA Batteries that I can use for firmware updates. It needs some perfecting due to the coin battery slot (I used two brass washers separated with black electrical tape) soldered to a plastic battery case. That way I don't have to worry about losing the battery during an update. I still have 4 ZSE41's to update.

I have thought about doing that same thing! Although I was going to just see if I could buy one, found something: https://www.amazon.com/Connect-CR2032-Converter-Counter-Display/dp/B097N7F2RR


Funny, I actually bought that, but was afraid to use it as is. When connected to a USB adapter there is 5Vdc at the "battery". Was not sure if the extra voltage would damage the Zooz devices.


Anyone have issues with inconsistent battery level reporting? One of my ZSE41's battery level is reporting all over the place. I already replaced the battery and it was fine for a couple months and now its doing it again.

I have 3 sensors in the garage and the other 2 seem to be fine. There is a also a Zen 16 relay in the garage so signal should not be an issue.

Colder temps in garage could be doing it. CR2032 batteries are pretty volatile with voltage. Sometimes they drop down when strained and then will come back up later.

Yeah I was thinking it could be the temps. Although the temps have not gone much below 40F here and the garage is under conditioned space, so usually its about 50-60F in there. I have sensors with CR2 batteries in much worse conditions and have not experienced these issues, so maybe its just the CR2032.

Yes the CR2 and CR123A hold voltage much better than the flat button batteries.
I have a ZSE44 in my garage I put a new battery in a few months ago, it takes a CR2450 (which is like a beefed up CR2032). Its already acting up either from lower temps or just the battery losing voltage. I think it ran for almost a full year after it hit 1% last time (including all winter which is very cold in my garage), so I would honestly wait until they stop working to replace the batteries.

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