Zooz new firmware to control smart bulbs is out (beta) has anyone tried it?

Besides the above, if you're looking to tag the specific Hubitat staff developer who wrote the Hue integration, I don't recall who that is. But I'm pretty sure they're aware of this based on another similar thread that also mentioned this topic. I'm not sure there are plans to address it specifically, but I recall they're open to adding on to the integration in general (people have also mentioned the lack of scene integration). I know there's a community integration alternative (Hue B Smart), but last I checked it doesn't support startLevelChange or stopLevelChange at all, so it definitely won't help here.

You do only have four bulbs and the equivalent on Hue of the "start" and "stop" commands above are just one command for each bulb (or at least they are if they use what I think they're using in the Hue API; it's possible but unlikely that they're faking some alternative with bunch of repeated brightness-changing commands), so with only four commands going over your LAN to the Hue Bridge, it probably won't bee too bad. I've done two Hue Bridge bulbs with no noticeable problems, and again I've usually had worse luck with directly-connected Zigbee bulbs like Sengled but was floored when four at a time worked well as above.

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