Zoos Zwave Plus multi relay

Hey folks! I’ve been having trouble getting hubitat to recognize this relay. I had a Qubino flush two relay just die on me after two years. So I though I would try a cheaper one and bout this. I gotta say I’ve struggled with other Zooz devices but pulled the trigger anyway. I’ve done all I know to do like restart the hub, move it close to the hub etc. any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

Zooz Z-Wave Plus S2 MultiRelay ZEN16 for Garage Doors, Sprinklers, Gas Fireplace; 3 Dry Contact Relays (15A, 15A, 20A); 12-24 V AC/DC or USB C Power; Signal Repeater; Hub Required [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0846DZJD8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_rxtlFbXG1K5NK](http://Zooz Multi Relay)

I installed one two days ago and it discovered right away. After pressing the button three times, you get nothing on the hub?

If purchased from Amazon, they are bad about putting returns back into inventory, so it may need to be reset as it could have been added to a network already. That is my guess.

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Yep I'll +1 that.

If it does not include 1st try, exclude (you can use Hubitat to excluded) then include. If that does not work fully factory reset then include. I have 5 of those Zooz relay and they all work great!

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I excluded and re discovered and it worked! Thanks for the help. I’m using this for my garage door. What type of thing do you guys use yours for?

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I use 4 to give me 12 zones of outdoor low voltage lighting off 2 transformers. I use the other to control a kitchen downdraft riser (after killing the GE controller with a pot of boiling water), and was going to use one for my new gate install, but the gate guy is providing his own. I love that they can be powered by so many different options.

I use mine wired directly to my garage door remote. And I was looking for other ways to use the other two relays. It seems like you’ve got to run some pretty long wires to use to relay to do all of those things?

Oh yeah lots of wire! Outdoor LV wire is direct bury just dig a small trench, or rent a direct bury tool (highly recommended) I think I have over 1000 feet run so far, not include the direct bury Cat6 that's going in soon.


Soda machine.


@Gnant you should really share your project story.. That video was awesome!


Not sure if you’re joining it on a C-7 and are trying to join it secure, but that’s a thread where a couple of us are having problems getting it to join/stay responsive/connected with S2 and a C7. Insecure join looks to work fine on a c-7, at least so far.

I suspect it’s encountering issues that some others are seeing with S2 secured devices and will eventually resolve with a future update.

@bcopeland I will for sure. Have another relay coming and some proper wire connectors this weekend. Wouldn't ever post the rats nest I created just to test.

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My utility room is next to my garage. relay 1- controls the garage door button - relay 2 controls the humidistat on my furnace- switch input 3 monitors a magnetic contact sensor on the washing machine

I also have a second one that I use to control an electric fireplace. It controls - Power on/off , Blower/Heat on/off , and the thermostat.

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Very cool. Thanks for sharing

Looking for information on this device as I have not used relays before. I'm looking to control 3 of this DC 12V 1/4" Inlet Feed Water Solenoid Valve as project for our dog.

She loves to play with water and I was going to create 3 separate jets of water pointed at different directions to switch on/off randomly. Right now she's having a blast chasing this Spike Lawn Sprinkler we got from Lowes. We're close to a stretch of 100F days and it would be good energy release after being indoor all day.

It all looks like it will work in my head but not sure if it will in reality :smiley:

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