Zone Motion Manager

Yepā€¦ I REALLY need it too :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info


Remove the // on lines 49 and 52. The log.debug output might give a better clue whatā€™s going on there.

Just to confirm, you have installed all 3 items right? The zone motion manager and child apps, and the simulatedmotionsensor device?

Here is a post I made a while back regarding Hubitat calls regarding the hub object. This may help you modify the ZMM app for Hubitat.

Before you spin to many cycles on getting this older copy to work, we will be releasing Zone Motion Controllers quite soon. It will have Mikeā€™s improvements, and be a new built-in app for Hubitat. Stay tunedā€¦

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Thanks for the info Bruce


I mostly use this app to use multiple motion sensors in a single room.
If any one of the sensors is ā€˜activeā€™ then the virtual one is too.
The virtual sensor stays active until ALL physical sensors are inactive, plus a configurable timeout (normally about 10 mins for my use case)

I put together a little app that does just that.
Itā€™s no where near as sophisticated as Mikeā€™s app and only does this one thing, but if anyone is interested Iā€™m happy to post the code.
It uses the in-built virtual motion sensor.


I use them opposite your usage. All sensors active = virtual sensor Active.
One sensor Inactive = virtual sensor inactive.

I swear, Iā€™ll get this app out for you guys, hopefully in the next buildā€¦

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appreciate all your hard workā€¦ I know it must be difficult to prioritize and keep up.

And now that I have my UK z-wave working brilliantly, Iā€™ll be chasing you for your Fibaro RGBW driver :slight_smile:

Damnā€¦ Itā€™s 3am hereā€¦ this thing can be addictive! :rofl:


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This is all very ā€˜hush hushā€™

In case you guys missed it!
(I did until today)



Same here. Didn't even know. Regardless, thanks for the awesome app!

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@mike.maxwell, zone motion manager is not working for me. Only log I get is this.

Yup, the false motion zone is brokenā€¦ :cry: sorry, Iā€™ll get this fixed.

I having issues with zone motion Manager. I have it set for Motion Aggregation and it been rock solid for a year or so but now it won't work. I have 6 motion sensor in my basement and they control the basement lights, the way it is set up is any motion can turn lights on and no motion after period of time turn off. I can see motion from the sensors but it is not turning the Mzone on or off? or active and inactive? is there a issue with the Zone motion?

No issues with zone motion manager, go through each of your motion sensors and be sure they are infact working correctly...

@mike.maxwell in fact I deleted and created a new zone and it's working. Thanks


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