Zipato handheld remote, anyone currently using or know if compatible?

Looking for a Z-wave plus version of my minimote. Plus this could be used as an hsm key fob, but don't see this item on the compatible list or in forum searches.

Zipato Z-Wave Remote (PH-PSR03.US)


What about the Fibaro key fob?

Thanks jtmpush18. I have 1 of those. Guy on ebay had any 2 fibaro items for 25 plus 9 shipping. So grabbed a keyfob & smart implant($34). The keyfob is kind of thick and battery life is bad, really bad, at least for me, but that was on my C4 about a year ago, possibly things have improved? I actually wonder what is wrong with me, I can control HSM perfectly from my phone, what the heck do I need another device for? See you at the Automators Anonymous meeting :laughing:

I once bought this guy to, (Because I dreamed of using only Zigbee):