Old post, I know. Answering here for posterity since few posts exist for the Jasco Enbrighten 43132 zigbee outlet with power reporting. <-- FYI, this appears to be the same Amazon link as above.
I can confirm that that the Jasco 43132 zigbee outlet does provide the power reporting function. The Jasco 43132 smart outlet is rated at 1000W.
However, the Jasco 43102 zigbee outlet DOES NOT have power reporting. The Jasco 43102 smart outlet is rated at 1800W.
This product line seems to have identifying numbers; such as ZB1001, 43132, 43102, etc. The 43... number can be found printed on the end of the product itself and on the bottom of the box in the right portion of the barcode.
BUYER BEWARE: I ordered three Jasco 43132 zigbee outlets seven months ago from Amazon (same link as above). But, I have just now noticed that the wrong 43102 (non reporting) product was shipped to me, not inspected by me and accepted by me. So, yo may want to check the numbers on the product you receive particularly since the 43132 product number results in a "no result found" message on the Jasco website.