Zigbee Routing

I have a Zigbee Mesh related question.
Here is a Zigbee Parameters page snapshot:
Parent child parameters
EzspGetParentChildParametersResponse [childCount=1, parentEui64=0000000000000000, parentNodeId=65535]

Child Data
child:[Lr Outdoor Light Sensor Window 2, 7DFB, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]

Neighbor Table Entry
[Bathroom Dimmer Main Light, 2885], LQI:255, age:4, inCost:1, outCost:1
[Kitchen Kettle Switch, 3564], LQI:254, age:4, inCost:1, outCost:1
[Kitchen Microwave Switch, 373E], LQI:253, age:4, inCost:3, outCost:1
[Closet-3 Light-2, 4298], LQI:255, age:4, inCost:1, outCost:1
[Kitchen Washer Switch, 70F6], LQI:226, age:5, inCost:5, outCost:5
[Kitchen Toaster Switch, 7689], LQI:254, age:4, inCost:1, outCost:1
[Lr Camera Switch, 7CC5], LQI:249, age:4, inCost:3, outCost:3
[Closet-4 Light, 94BD], LQI:255, age:4, inCost:1, outCost:1
[Bathroom Toilet Bidet Switch, 9734], LQI:210, age:7, inCost:5, outCost:0
[Bd Shell Light Switch, AB38], LQI:244, age:4, inCost:5, outCost:5
[Kitchen Cabinets RGBW Light, C4D1], LQI:247, age:4, inCost:3, outCost:7
[Kitchen Coffee Maker Switch , C6CB], LQI:254, age:4, inCost:1, outCost:1
[Lr Air Filter Switch, E580], LQI:255, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:1
[Bd Air Filter Switch, EC65], LQI:255, age:4, inCost:1, outCost:1

Route Table Entry
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Kitchen MS, D6D3] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Lr Outdoor Light Sensor Balcony, 3847] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Bathroom MS, 3015] via [Closet-3 Light-2, 4298]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Bathroom Dimmer Main Light, 2885] via [Bathroom Dimmer Main Light, 2885]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [null, 2B37] via [Lr Air Filter Switch, E580]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [null, 76D3] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Bathroom Tub MS, D344] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Bathroom Sink Water Sensor, A138] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Kitchen Sink Water Sensor, 2BBC] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Bathroom Shutoff Water Sensor, DB16] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Closet-2 MS, 26CD] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Bd Balcony Door Sensor, FFAD] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Closet-1 MS, C1AE] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Bd Button - Vitaliy, AA24] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Closet-4 Door Sensor, DB62] via [Closet-4 Light, 94BD]

My question about line 4:
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Bathroom Dimmer Main Light, 2885] via [Bathroom Dimmer Main Light, 2885]

It looks like "Bathroom Dimmer Main Light" switch is routing through itself.
Is this normal?

This switch is placed in a metal box (I know, this is terrible location) and recently
started to introduce a lot of delays. It worked flawlessly when I first install it
about a month ago. The hub is still on the same SW
The only change in a devices area - I installed two Xiaomi Light Sensors GZCGQ01LM
about a week ago. I am not sure switch delays are corelated with installation
of these light sensors.