In my Zigbee routing table I have some devices shown to be routed thru a null device 7C49. They are 2 Smarthings water leak sensors and one Innr plug. All three devices work and show up in the zigbee logs. I tested the leak sensors and they do alarm on HSM. There is no device listed as 7C49 in the zigbee details. Is this going to be a problem or should I just ignore this since they all seem to work?
I note that there is a listing for "No information on Chlld 1"....what does this mean?
I have some Zigbee devices that do not show up in the Zigbee routing table, but they do work....Is this just a routing table issue?
This is normal and expected when those devices use other Zigbee routers as parents (if end devices) or are more than one hop away (if they are repeaters/routers).
This page doesn't normally show any details about the mesh (or mesh routing) that do not involve the immediate neighbors of the hub. Neighbors of routers that are not also neighbors of the hub (and their child devices) may not show up here unless they appear in a route table entry (which they may do from time to time if you are looking for them at the right moment; those route table entries age out periodically when new route requests are issued).
The child table does look unusual; in that the response line shows childCount=2 so at one time there were two end devices using the hub as parent. But the hub only retrieved details for one.
Maybe by the time the getChildParametersResponse command finished, one child device abandoned the hub and is now using another repeater as parent. That can happen from time to time when RF conditions change.
Done any device joins recently? Sometimes null associated with a bogus deviceID appears when a device has been reset and rejoined (maybe an issue during inital pairing). It aquires a new device ID and works normally in the mesh.
I doubt any of this will require any further action on your part, especially since things are working well. Zigbee meshes aren't usually prone to falling apart when a device disappears.