ZigBee outage? C7

Suddenly nothing is working. I did a shutdown and power cut. Ideas?

Did you see any "severe CPU load, Zigbee radio offline" messages? That could cause it and may be solve-able with some troubleshooting. I'd check that Zigbee didn't accidentally get disabled too, in Settings > Zigbee Details (or maybe disabling and re-enabling will help, though I don't recall seeing that as a solution anywhere). I'd also be sure you didn't inadvertently change your channel, though most devices should eventually catch up if so...

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I'm not getting severe load or anything like that. I did try cycling ZigBee. As far as I can tell channel didn't get changed. I may try anoth reboot just for fun.

Do you have a large Zigbee network and know for sure that all devices aren't working? If it's just some, maybe try power cycling the device or checking the battery if applicable. You could also try resetting and pairing a device to see if anything at all works, possibly near the hub to avoid issues with repeaters. Speaking of repeaters, any smart bulbs in the mix, or more than 32 devices without repeaters?

Several smart bulbs. I honestly don't know if I have any repeaters. I know ZWave stuff a lot better than ZigBee so I apologize for the dumb questions and answers.

I wouldn't describe the network as large. About 18 devices I think.

What brand of bulbs are these? If not Sengled, they could cause problems routing for non-bulb devices, and perhaps that is the cause odnrhaww problems.

Most mains- or USB-powered Zigbee devices are repeaters/routers, similar to Z-Wave.

All singled. Everything ZigBee is battery outside of the bulbs. 5 bulbs.

I get this in ZigBee logs when I cycle disable/enable.

Not sure what to make of the log, but you do have no repeaters on your Zigbee network, then. Still shouldn't cause a network-wide problem. Anything work if you put Hubitat in pairing mode and reset/re-pair the device? (Don't remove it first; Zigbee will recognize it as the same device, so it shouldn't be a huge pain just to test.)

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According to this thread, you'll see this when there is no traffic detected on your network... now the question is why no traffic. Could the PAN ID have changed? This normally shouldn't happen, but if it does, all your devices would think they are on a different network from your hub.

Any child devices showing on the getChildandRouteInfo page?


Where would I see that?


Replace hub.ip.address with the IP address of your Hubitat.

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This is what I got...

There are more devices than are listed there.

Should I do a channel change?

@mike.maxwell is there a command/endpoint that will show the active neighbors and which is being used for routing from a device’s standpoint? This seems to be the missing piece in constructing a full zigbee route map; i.e. the getChildAndRouteInfo shows it from the hub’s view but if a device is 2-3 hops out we can’t see it’s path back (or at least I haven’t found a way.)

You normally shouldn't expect to see all your devices listed here, unless they are child devices of the hub, or one of the 16 'best' neighbor routers that the hub is capable of tracking (or, if there has been a recent route request for a path to a non-child device, in which case it will appear in the Route Table Entry section (along with a 'via' first-hop destination router; but those entries age out if the route has gone unused for a certain amount of time).

If you haven't done so already, unplug/replug your mains powered repeaters (like the Garage Outlet device listed in the Neighbor table). See if anything in the table changes afterward.

Might be worth revisiting this thread (relating to spontaneous PAN ID change):

From @markus post in thread:
How to use this information to troubleshoot mass dropout of devices you may then ask? Look for a PAN ID change. Since the PAN ID will not update in the UI until after a reboot of the hub, if you have lots of Zigbee devices drop all at once, write down your current 16-bit (2 bytes, 4 characters) PAN ID (NOT the 64-bit EXTENDED PAN ID). Then reboot your hub and look for a change in the PAN ID, if it has changed you have your culprit for the drops. If this happens more than once, change your Zigbee channel (there are whole threads discussing which ones to use, you probably don't want to use the one I chose). When changing your Zigbee channel you probably will have to re pair many of your devices, but there is no need to delete them from HE, just pair them again.


This is excellent info! Thank you so much. I will report back when I can.


One thing you should probably consider to improve the overall health of your Zigbee mesh network is to add a few more mains-powered Zigee devices to act as Zigbee repeaters. Just adding a few Zigbee outlets can make a huge difference in reliability and performance. There are numerous threads where specific models of Zigbee outlets are discussed. Since you already have a lot of Sengled devices, you may want to consider adding the following Sengled outlets.


Note, these Sengled outlets are Zigbee repeaters. The Sengled bulbs, and battery powered Zigbee devices, are not repeaters. Likewise, the earlier Sengled 'squarish' outlet was not a Zigbee repeater.

Hopefully you get things sorted out quickly!


Ok so I took a screenshot of ZigBee details....

Then I did a reboot and took another screenshot....

The Pan ID is the same.

So perhaps a channel change is needed? Since I had already done a reboot before is it possible that there already was a random pan id change?

That seems likely. Pick a Zigbee channel that doesn't overlap with strong wifi networks in your area Some advice here: Channels, Zigbee (digi.com)

Devices are supposed to rescan and acquire the new channel automatically; usually very quickly. But in this case it's likely you may need to reset them if they don't (try battery pull first; otherwise reset and repair but do not delete them from HE).

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