Zigbee non-functional, but shows Online

Listed where? in Zigbee details or in the devices list? The Zigbee details list should be tied to the radio data and the hub devices list is tied to the hub database.

EDIT: Apparently a Zigbee reset does not clear the details page out like it does for ZWave, learned something new.


That is right after doing a reset just now. What i am hearing is that means it is not successfully resetting?

No I guess I was wrong, sorry not a total Zigbee expert. Apparently a Zigbee reset does not clear all the devices out of the details page like it does for ZWave. But, you would have to pair them again to get them working. I am testing it right now on my dev hub which only had one device paired to it.

You possibly had issues pairing those bulbs if they are normally going through a repeater. So maybe try pairing a closer device and see if that will join.


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You mean devices on the Zigbee Details page? Then it should.

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Yes, I just tested it myself earlier and the device remained there. I had reset the device prior to doing the Zigbee reset but I doubt it would have continued working since the PANID changed when I reset the radio. The device remained listed on the Zigbee details page throughout.

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and since the devices are still there, and in the devices tab, when i re-pair them, the hub will just "reconnect" the device item to the newly added device? I have added devices that have been previously added and it just sees it as already added and all is as it was .. just wanted to verify that

Yes that is correct you will see a message like I showed above. I reset my radio and then paired the device again, it fell right back into place. This only works for Zigbee.