Zigbee network is not online

I haven’t used my hub in a long time. I recently purchased a new house and I would like to give it a shot again.

Previously I was using it for a DIY smart garage door opener. However it eventually stopped working and I gave up on it.

I’m trying to factory reset it and noticed a few things.

When I try to soft reset it says “Unknown Error”

When I try using ?fullui and performing a full reset it powers down, the LED goes red, and upon powering back up it has not been reset.

I want to perform a full reset.

The other thing I noticed is there is a notification that states: Zigbee network is not online. It’s unable to find factory reset zigbee devices.


Platform Version:


Hardware Version:

Rev C-5



Please follow instructions in this post. It sounds like you will keep the hub, so I would skip step 6:


These are the steps I have already done to try and resolve the issue. The soft reset is where I get the unknown error.

Mind sharing what version of the Diagnostic Tool you have?

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You should update that to 1.0.97. To do so, go to this URL:


substituting your.hubs.ip.here with the IP address of your hub.


That resolved the error. The hub rebooted and appears to have been reset.

Unfortunately , the zigbee error remains.

Now shut down, power off the hub (at the wall not the hub) for 5 mins and power back up. Does it come back online? Also do you have a hub protect subscription?

I powered it down over lunch and left it unplugged. I’m just now powering it back up.

Well… it doesn’t have the error so that’s a good sign!

Going to try and bind a device.

I went to the device page and clicked add. Zigbee. Start pairing. The message came back Immediately. Am I doing something wrong?

I do not have a hub protect subscription

For giggles on the zigbee details, reset the radio then power cycle again

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I reset it, disabled it. Rebooted.

Re-enabled it. Then for the heck of it I tried to start z-wave inclusion. Then canceled it. Then went to devices where I was going to attempt to start pairing my zigbee device and it popped up.

It could just be a coincidence or amount of time or something.

Hmm I think it may need replaced considering the hub is empty. @bobbyd should be able to help.


It's unfortunate that you don't have extended warranty (Hub Protect) as it looks like you may be dealing with a hardware malfunction. Please send me a private message along with your Hub ID, and will see what I can do to help.


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