Are there any Zigbee multisensors? Eg Ones that do Motion, Temperature, Humidity & Light.
Originally I was going to go Z-Wave only and buy the Aeotec or Fibaro multisensors.
But due to no available smart mortice locks in the UK, I ended up having to order my locks from the US and go Zigbee.
I am reluctant to have both Z-Wave and Zigbee. since it turns out, now that I moved in, that my new house has even thicker internal walls than I thought. They are all solid brick and 21, 16 and 10 inches thick. Getting decent wifi has been an issue already, even with a mesh network and 6 nodes.
So I'm worried I'll need a lot of repeaters, so would prefer just to stick to Zigbee if possible. But cant find any Zigbee multisensors.
Yes someone did point out that Z-wave frequency would be better for going through brick walls, and it's why I was going to stick to Zwave. But as I couldnt buy any Z-Wave mortice locks, I've now ended up with 5 Zigbee ones, so will need a few repeaters already for those, as only 2 can reach the hub.
Odd that there dont seem to be any Zigbee multisensors.
Zigbee Motion + Temperature are very common in North America. But Humidity and Luminance are much harder to find.
Another option is using multiple Hubitat Elevation hubs to provide better coverage, as long as you can connect both to your home network via Cat5 Ethernet cables. Hubitat has built in support via a couple Apps to keep devices synced between two Hubitat hubs.
The NYCE ceiling motion sensor does motion, temp, and humidity. It's the only zigbee motion that I'm aware of that also does humidity. Their wall mount one might also do it to, but I don't have one to confirm.
This is a decent enough sensor but it costs 2-3 times as much as just as good zigbee motion sensors from lowes, sylvania, or smartthings, so if you don't need the extra features its hard to justify the cost. I have one in a bath with an exhaust fan and another in a room where the only good place for the sensor was on the ceiling.