Zigbee issue caused a hub to freeze?

My C8 hub that is only serving my zwave and zigbee devices froze today. Had to reboot it. I'm thinking zigbee is the culprit, as the mesh just wouldnt rebuild after the reboot, as it seemed. I had to trigger rebuild zigbee network and it seems to be rebuilding now, though still not all the devices are there. Where do i start on trying to figure out which device caused it?
Here are all my zigbee devices. Thanks!

Any help here folks? At this point, im still having bunch that have N/A there, so i'm assuming that those have not reconnected and i need to kick them in manually? Still, would like to figure out what caused it, but not sure how to go about it.

Did you do a shutdown and then power cycle after a minute or so, or did you just reboot?

Plus, a lot of those N/A's are leak sensors. They're usually not too chatty. It might be a while before they report in. You could try testing one, with moisture, and see the N/A goes away.
edit: I think they're ALL leak sensors, so if it was me, i wouldn't worry about it IF they actually work.

What about z-wave?

Thank you for the reply. All zwave devices are fine. I had to power cycle the hub because it was frozen, as i coudnt get to UI.
Unfortunately, at this point, im sure all of those that are N/A are offline. Its actually been several weeks, as i've been traveling a lot and had no time to deal with, but all of them still show last check in date, as the date the hub froze. About two thirds or my zigbee devices reconnected on their own and few it did take a bit longer, but all those are ofline and pretty much i have to powercycle them all to get them connected again. I also did try wetting few of them and that didnt work

Folks, so now, for the second time my c8 hub froze last night and needed to be hard booted. Again, this hub only used for zigbee/zwave radios and have no automations, apps, etc. Looked through the longs and not seeing anything... how do i go about trying to figure what has caused it?