Zigbee Glass Break Sensor Driver

Does anyone know where to find a Zigbee Glass Break Sensor Driver? I have searched the community wiki and built-in drivers. I have searched Hubitat on that topic...no joy. There is a generic Z-wave, but not Zigbee.
I have some Visonic/Tyco/Xfinity sensors coming because the door sensors work so well...but I did not think to look for drivers first.

There is a generic glass break detector driver built into HE... I don't know if that is actually zigbee or z-wave, maybe @mike.maxwell can field this one.

its Z-Wave and was designed around the Go Control GB00Z

Thanks, I found that driver but as a NewBee, I was hoping there was a Zigbee driver that I did not know where to find. I haven't done any coding since Fortran so I would even be willing to pay someone to generate a Generic Zigbee Glass break Driver, instead of relying on Alexa Guard.

is there an actual zigbee glass break detector device available?

Perhaps this one?

sure, I'll bite, found one on ebay...


That is exactly the unit I purchased. I had success using Visonic door sensors and their "parent" Tyco has a solid history with security devices.