Zigbee devices stop responding every couple of days

I'm not yet sure what's going on but I have 8 SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor V5 units on my Zigbee network. Every couple of days, one or more of them stops reporting to the hub. I can fix this by stopping and restarting the Zigbee radio on the hub but I certainly don't want to have to do that every two days. Does anyone have a clue as to why some of the devices just stop reporting? Better than that, does anyone have a solution to keep it from happening?

What does the rest of your Zigbee network look like, if any? While the hub can certainly handle 8 Zigbee devices, it isn't a bad idea to add a repeater regardless (you'll need one for more than 32 Zigbee devices). Additionally, if you have any Zigbee bulbs as repeaters, many of these have been known to cause problems, so I'd avoid putting them on the same hub/network--that could certainly be the cause of this problem if you have any (besides Sengled).

If none of the above seems applicable, I'm not sure, unless you have any runaway custom apps or rules running on your hub that might be bogging the whole thing down (in which case we've been told that Zigbee is among the first things to go, as you might see from the messages bubble in the upper right: "Zigbee radio is offline" or similar). The symptom you described would likely not be the only one if this is the case, so my guess is that it's something else like a mesh strength issue that a repeater (or elimination of "bad" repeaters) might solve.


Seeing loads of comments about bulbs and repeaters. Never seen this as issues with ST (for 5 years) and now it's in every zigbee thread in hubitat.

Will this issue not be an issue too on a separate hub ?

Was recommended to put bulbs on hue hub by support. Dont remember seeing that in the advertising that hubitat not great with zigbee bulbs and use a hue hub instead.. Weird.

I have all my zigbee bulbs on the Hue bridge, because of something I read in the SmartThings support documents, so it is a known potential problem, even over there.

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Check out this thread from ST: FAQ: Are Smart Bulbs Repeaters? (Updated 2019: the new answer is yes, but may be inconsistent) - FAQ - SmartThings Community

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Thanks for the ideas everybody. Some additional information...

I have 8 of these SmartThings Multipurpose sensors on my Zigbee network. I have no other Zigbee devices at all. It's always the same one sensor that stops reporting. This sensor is closer than at least two others that work flawlessly all the time. Yesterday I removed it from my hub, performed a factory reset on the switch, and re-added it. I'm hopeful that this will resolve the issue.

with any devices. I'm finding the same thing, that these issues are widespread and pertain to every device I've looked up in the forum. All the same devices on smartthings worked perfectly and now on hubitat the answer is "buy more devices, make it work better". I'm sorry no, make the hub operate on a level which is reflective of its price, more than twice the cost of smartthings. And yet somehow handling communication of zwave and zigbee devices like a hamburger bun who thinks it's a computer means I need to buy more devices until the hub is satisfied? Again no. The hub has issues.