this morning found some of my contact sensors and lights are unresponsive from the web interface. nothing getting logged for those devices but no errors either. configure and refresh for each device did not help.
also checked all wifi in the house and around me ... nothing has changed in that picture.
for each device had to disconnect either the battery or power then reconnect them back. after that without doing anything else everything started working again from the web interface.
last night i had updated to .118 not sure if that is related but before pulling the power downgraded to .117 as well.
I’ve been following your testing of @iharyadi’s device. Is it possible that that the zigbee routing changed after the update to include that device where it hadn’t before?
@mike.maxwell might have more insights if that is possible.
but i did check the env sensor and funnily it had 1 less child and 1 more neighbor.
My experience with end devices that I own, they are very sticky. They will associate to a router and stick with it.
In my network, I observe that if I shutdown a router (simulate failure), then, I can see my end devices start looking for new router or the coordinator.
Introducing a new router in the network does not typically trigger end devices to re-route. At least, not until the end device think that it detect issue with its current parent.