I have a Pearl Thermostat (Zigbee) which currently is flashing the Zigbee icon quickly. The manual states that a fast flash..." If the icon is blinking slowly then you are currently scanning for a network. If the icon is
blinking fast then you are connected to a network but no parent has been found."
Oddly enough the thermostat is reporting temperature and responding to commands. we have had a power outage recently but the thermostat has working batteries.
I am using the "Generic Zigbee Thermostat" driver. I change the driver to "Device" then back to the Generic Zigbee Driver.
I suspect a unpair and repair and / or a reset of the thermostat, however I curious as to what "parent" is there to find?
Presumably either the hub or a Zigbee repeater that it is using to route to the hub through. However, if that repeater fails, it should automatically find another route, so (unless the hub and all repeaters are out of range), I'm not sure why it would say that, either. Maybe someone else who has this thermostat could comment if they've ever seen that.
Like you, I suspect a re-pair will fix the issue (no need to delete it from Hubitat first in the case of Zigbee, but if you have no automations configured on it, I guess it won't hurt).
A parent is either the coordinator or a repeater. When a child sends out an association beacon, it waits for a response from a parent. So, the device might be trying to find a new parent device (a new zigbee mesh) to join. I would power cycle it and if its still doing it, do a factory reset and rejoin to hubitat. you won't lose any of your hubitat automations but it should stop trying to re-associate.
Was this ever resolved? I am experiencing this very same thing with my Centralite Pearl. It also was after an extended power outage. As JohnRob reported, the thermostat responds and performs as normal despite the blinking network status light..
A suggestion was made to repair the Zigbee network but I cannot find that option like I can with Zwave..