Zigbee channel reset when updating to 2.9.137

Just updated to the latest release and my zigbee network channel has been reset to channel 11, from my previously chosen 20. Any idea what's going on?

I just tested moving from 2.9.134 to .137 with channel 13 and it remained on 13. Will try again with 20.

Upon further investigation, my zigbee radio is fubar. I cannot change channels at all, and the zigbee network will not actually come online. Looks like I have a bigger problem here.

Oh, that’s not good! Anything related in your logs?

Looks like a soft reset took care of things. I'll keep an eye on things for a few days, but looks like I'm OK for now.

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Good to hear!

For the record, I just completed my 2nd platform upgrade test and the Zigbee channel remained the same.