Zigbee Aduro GU10 Spot V2 - Tunable Colour - Add to Driver

I was able to get the Zigbee Aduro GU10 Spot V2 - Tunable Colour bulb working when I copied the driver code of Generic ZigBee RGBW Light and added the line (copied from a Github repo):

fingerprint profileId: "0104", inClusters: "0000, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008, 0300, 1000", outClusters: "0019", deviceId: "010D", manufacturer: "AduroSmart Eria", model: "AD-RGBW3001", deviceJoinName: "Eria Light" //Eria ZigBee RGBW Bulb

The Data for this bulb on the device page is:

application: 04
firmwareMT: 122D-010D-00000001
inClusters: 0000,0004,0003,0006,0008,0005,0300,1000
manufacturer: AduroSmart Eria
model: AD-GU10RGBW3001
outClusters: 0019
softwareBuild: 05000012

When I paired the bulb, the Device pairing info was:

Manufacturer:	AduroSmart Eria
Endpoint 01 application:	04
Endpoint 01 endpointId:	01
Endpoint 01 idAsInt:	1
Endpoint 01 inClusters:	0000,0004,0003,0006,0008,0005,0300,1000
Endpoint 01 initialized:	true
Endpoint 01 manufacturer:	AduroSmart Eria
Endpoint 01 model:	AD-GU10RGBW3001
Endpoint 01 outClusters:	0019
Endpoint 01 profileId:	0104
Endpoint 01 stage:	4
Endpoint F2 application:	unknown
Endpoint F2 endpointId:	F2
Endpoint F2 idAsInt:	242
Endpoint F2 initialized:	true
Endpoint F2 manufacturer:	unknown
Endpoint F2 model:	unknown
Endpoint F2 outClusters:	0021
Endpoint F2 profileId:	A1E0
Endpoint F2 stage:	4

It is a ZLL bulb and stopped processing commands after a period of time. I bought a second hub for testing, it is now promoted to PROD.

With two mesh connected hubs, one for the light and one for the button controller, there are no reliability issues.

@mike.maxwell is this information enough for you to add the fingerprint to the relevant drivers so it works out of the box for HE users?


Yes, thanks!

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