@jtp10181 I am having a problem with my ZEN30. The Zen30 is on firmware version 2.11; I am using your Zen30 driver version [2.0.2] - 2023-12-10 (@jtp10181).
My goal is to configure it so that:
The load connected to the relay can be controlled by hitting the physical relay button or from the hub. This is working as expected.
The load connected to the dimmer can only be controlled by the hub. I do not want the physical paddle to control it. This is giving me problems.
The screenshot below shows how I have parameters 19 & 24 configured. (19=Disable paddle control; 24=don't report status or change LED)
The simplest net-out of the problem is as follows:
1-Start with the dimmer switch in the off state and the load physically off.
2-When button 1 ("up") on the paddle is hit, the dimmer switch continues to show as "off" at the hub. The load remains off. This is the expected behavior.
3-If I issue a "refresh" from the hub, the dimmer state is updated to "on", which is not expected. The load connected to the dimmer remains off, as expected.
4-If I then try to turn the load connected to the dimmer on from the hub, nothing happens.
5-If I issue an "off" followed by an "on" from the hub, the dimmer load goes on as expected.
It appears that when button 1 ("up") on the paddle is hit, the state of the dimmer switch in the hub is getting set to "on". More importantly, when in this state, sending an "On" command to the dimmer does not turn the load on.
Note that if I eliminate the "refresh" in step 3, the behaviors described in the remaining steps still happen as described. I added the "refresh" to confirm my hunch that somewhere the state of the dimmer switch is being updated to the wrong state.
Are you actually wanting to have have button 1 turn on the device or are you planning to do something else and this is just for testing?
Very much sounds a device firmware issue to me. I have a v3 I can try to replicate it on, I do not have a v2 though.
So when you refresh, the driver is asking the device for its state values. When it gets set to On that is because the devices told the hub the switch is on. I am guessing when you send the On command to the device, since it already thinks it is on, it is ignoring it. If you send a setLevel command it might force it on, not sure.
Pushed Up, then refreshed device, then pressed On on device page.
The first "on" report is the false one from the refresh, but then the On command after that still turns the light physically on.
I do not want the dimmer paddle to control the lights it is connected to. I only want the dimmer lights to go on|off based on z-wave commands issued from the hub.
I am using the button presses from the dimmer paddle to control a different set of lights.
Here is what happens for me when I pushed up on the paddle and then hit the "on" button on the device page.
Try doing a setLevel to 100 instead of pressing On, see if that makes a difference. It will send a slightly different command to the device.
Oh, you could also try settings the settings back to defaults, and then send multiple "On" commands from the hub, see if the device responds back each time or if it ignores it when it is already On. (My v3 responds back every time even if already on)
The setLevel 100 solves the problem for turning it on. Unfortunately, setLevel 0 does not solve the problem for turning it off.
Log below shows what I get when I hit button 1 on the pad, then turn it on-off-on on the device page.
I've tried another workaround which works for a couple of scenarios, but then I tried hitting button 2 while the lights were off. Can't turn it back on without going through a dance.
There is a motion sensor on the circuit. ie: Zen30load->motion sensor->Lights. I wonder if that could be creating confusion for the Zen30.
Removing the motion sensor from the loop would be difficult.
Update: Zooz support has acknowledged that disabling paddle control of the load does not work properly in the Zen30 hardware versions 1 and 2. It does work properly in hardware versions 3 & 4. This post contains a workaround.
@jtp10181 I've created a workaround that seems to work, but it's all a bit of a head-scratcher as to why it is required.
I added these 3 rules:
Required expression: dimmer is off
Triggers: Button 1 pushed
Actions: Refresh, delay 1.0, off
Required expression: dimmer is on
Trigges: Button 2 pushed
Actions: Refresh, delay 1.0, on
Required expression: dimmer is off
Triggers: Button 2 pushed
Actions: on, delay 1.0, off
These 3 rules seem to put things back in sync. The listed actions don't actually result in the lights going on or off - it's simply the required dance to get everything back in sync.
1/2 second delays were not sufficient, so I went with a full 1-second delay.
I've been working with Zooz support and I am updating this thread with what I have learned in case it helps others.
In a nutshell, disabling paddle control of the load does not work properly in the Zen30 hardware versions 1 and 2. It does work properly in hardware versions 3 & 4.
More specifically, the following settings do not work as expected:
Dimmer Smart Bulb - Load Control -- disable paddle control
Dimmer Smart Bulb - When Paddle Disabled -- doesn't report status or LED change.
The 3 rule-machine rules I outlined in this post do work around the problem.
@jtp10181 thank you for the time you invested in helping me with this.