Looking at online pictures, the white one appears difficult to read, because of a lack of contrast between the light colored led and the white face of the thermostat. Does anyone have a white one? How easy is the white one to read? If ease of readability is important, should I go with a black one?
I have the white one. It isn't easy to read, but it's not too difficult. I imagine black would be similar; most of the difficulty stems from the fact that it's a medium-sized matrix of medium-sized LEDs used to form all the letters and numbers, so not as easy to read as a regular LCD. I rarely even use the display; mine is mostly automated.
The only thing I don't like is that it rounds degrees in an odd manner. I'd consider it a possible result of C to F conversion, but the F results don't line up with an integral C degree, so who knows. As an example of what I mean, I'll set the setpoint to 55, then the Zen will put the actual setpoint at something like 55.1 or 54.9. Not a big deal, but it's important to consider when you're writing rules or filling information in apps. Second, Hubitat seems to have lost the ability to set the fan to "on," but "off" (I have to manually turn it on from the wall to test) works. This could be because my thermostat is on slightly newer firmware than it was when I shipped, when it worked fine.
Which driver are you using, the Zen Thermostat driver or the Generic Zigbee Thermostat driver? If you are using the Zen driver, does the fan work if you use the Generic Zigbee Thermostat driver?
I have the white one. I don't find it excessively difficult to read if the lighting is subdued as it is in the hallway where it is located here. I rarely look at it anyway since I operate it through the Hubitat's devices and view it through my Dashboard's tile.
I have a Zen and have tried both drivers. The Zen acts the same with both Anytime I need with the fan setting I send the command, wait 1 min check that the fan responded correctly, or send again if needed. Painful, but it works. I added a notification to be sent to me, so I think about 1 in every 10-15 times the first command fails. @mike.maxwell is there a way I can turn on the device logging for longer than 30 min, so when I get a notification, I can go get logs?
Oh I see, in this case the debug logs probably won't help since the problem is that the thermostat isn't sending the state change for the fan state, or the fan state frame isn't making it back to the hub for whatever reason.
When it does mess up like this, does executing a refresh in the driver correctly update the fan state?
To the OP, I'm sorry, I was having a senior moment when I chimed in... I have a Centralite Pearl, not a ZEN.
Mike, If I get data, and I warrant needing help I will contact you. I did it in this case since I thought, in my senior moment, that someone else had a similar/same issue and I wasn't the only one.
I have a white one. The display only comes on when you tap it, so by necessity your'e standing right in front of it, so it's OK to read. It's not designed to be on all the time, so not designed to be read from a distance. Yes, there's not a huge amount of contrast, but the elements themselves are large.
It's supposed to be like that I guess... the website talks about zen and simplicity.