Z-Wave Replace Device with LR

Apologies if that is covered in the documentation or the forums.

I gave up on trying to fix my screwed-up Z-Wave mesh and am now just replacing the critical switches with LR.

Considering that LR devices are added via the mobile app, the usual replacement method from the z-wave settings page can't be used. Can it?

You can use device swap

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I'll bite :laughing:
The device swap button opens Z-Wave inclusion page, while LR devices should be added by scanning the QR code with a mobile app.

I think he meant the device swap function (in the hub settings page), not the Z-Wave device replace function.


That I can certainly do, but Z-Wave replace would be cleaner.

Doesn't work for children, as I recall.

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No way to a replace with SmartStart that I am aware of. Plus if you are switching from mesh to LR then the node has to be a higher number anyway.

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Ah, that's right, it can't reuse the node as it should be above 100. That closes the topic.