Z Wave Repair for Locks

So when i paired my 2 locks, i got an extension cord and long ethernet cable and put the hub on top of the lock. I have Schlage BE469 if it matters. After running out of battery curiously last week, i put new batteries in, but was not getting updates until moving my hub closer to the one that went dead. Whats funny is that i didnt really make any network changes from when i paired the lock and it was reporting correctly and fast until it died. So obviously a number of things could be an issue here, but i started with a repair and noticed that repair skips over my lock nodes. How does my lock know to go through other repeaters? Or since its secure, do locks not use repeaters?

Also feature i miss from Vera is update neighbor nodes on a single device. As i have been tinkering more, i sometimes move a device and rather than a long repair process, i would love to target that device quickly. Additionally, i have devices that i have to wake up, it would be great to update neighbors when i wake it up and trigger to repair.

Battery devices can't repair on demand, the Hub has to wait for a periodic wake up of the device. The Hub skips it but 'pends' the action. It should be in the list later. Beaming repeaters help this because the wakeup and message that the hub has an action is stored on the 'beamer.' The hub moves on to something else while it waits.

Is there a way i can wake the lock to force this? I tried lock/unlock and keypad entry. What is common beaming repeater device?

This is something I have wondered about also since I don't see any of the battery devices in the live log when doing a Z-Wave repair. Where or what log can I look at to see what has happened with the battery devices to see if they did finally update or fail after they woke up. When you said

which "list" are you talking about.

sorry.. shorthand...

list meaning Live logs, later in the list of devices Zwave Repair said it got to.

Battery devices used to HALT ZWave repair. They corrected that error and now get skipped, but I thought I read that they would be 'touched' if they woke.

A Beaming Device is an AC powered device that has the beaming capability. In other words most Outlets and switches. Look up your individual devices at the ZWave Alliance.
For example, that Homeseer switch shoes it does support beaming.

(It's a tough list to search though.. just know that EVERYTHING that carries the ZWave Logo must have one of the conformance reports.)

1 Like

Thank you for the clarification. That helps. I am familiar with the conformance reports on the Z-Wave alliance and have used them previously to make sure of what a device should support.

According to my repair it says finished and never logged any battery devices. If its not in the logs, is there any other way to see if it happened? Locks are 37 & 28. example battery device is 44

sys:12019-02-09 10:57:29.207 am infoFinished Z-Wave Network Repair

sys:12019-02-09 10:57:18.051 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 10:57:18.037 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 10:57:18.036 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 10:57:18.034 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 10:57:14.205 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:55:44.192 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:54:14.185 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:52:44.179 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:51:10.245 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:51:09.218 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 10:51:09.173 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 10:51:09.173 am debugZ-Wave Node 46: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 10:48:09.160 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:46:39.153 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:45:09.146 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:43:39.139 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:42:09.132 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:40:39.126 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:39:09.120 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:37:39.109 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:36:05.443 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:36:04.166 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 10:36:04.101 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 10:36:04.100 am debugZ-Wave Node 45: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 10:35:59.423 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 10:35:59.413 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 10:35:59.413 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 10:35:59.412 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 10:35:59.098 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:34:29.088 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:32:59.082 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:31:29.074 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:29:55.698 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:29:54.066 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 10:28:19.275 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 10:28:19.059 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 10:28:19.058 am debugZ-Wave Node 43: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 10:28:14.223 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 10:28:14.206 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 10:28:14.205 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 10:28:14.204 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 10:28:14.055 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:26:44.048 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:25:14.041 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:23:44.033 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:22:09.539 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:22:09.054 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 10:22:09.026 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 10:22:09.026 am debugZ-Wave Node 41: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 10:22:04.843 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 10:22:04.829 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 10:22:04.828 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 10:22:04.826 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 10:22:04.024 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:20:34.017 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:19:04.010 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:17:34.003 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:15:59.932 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:15:58.996 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 10:14:24.212 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 10:14:23.990 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 10:14:23.989 am debugZ-Wave Node 40: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 10:14:19.171 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 10:14:19.159 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 10:14:19.159 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 10:14:19.158 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 10:14:18.986 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:12:48.980 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:11:18.973 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:09:48.967 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:08:14.397 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:08:13.982 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 10:08:13.956 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 10:08:13.955 am debugZ-Wave Node 39: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 10:08:08.962 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 10:08:08.950 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 10:08:08.949 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 10:08:08.948 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 10:08:08.946 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:06:38.939 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:05:48.934 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:04:18.927 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:02:45.144 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 10:02:44.150 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 10:02:43.921 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 10:02:43.920 am debugZ-Wave Node 31: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 10:02:39.104 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 10:02:39.092 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 10:02:39.091 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 10:02:39.091 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 10:02:38.918 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 10:01:08.910 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:59:38.900 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:58:08.893 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:56:34.755 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:56:33.885 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:54:59.318 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:54:58.875 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 09:54:58.873 am debugZ-Wave Node 30: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 09:54:53.921 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 09:54:53.910 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 09:54:53.909 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 09:54:53.908 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 09:54:53.870 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 09:53:23.863 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:51:53.855 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:50:23.847 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:48:49.279 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:48:48.864 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:48:48.838 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 09:48:48.837 am debugZ-Wave Node 29: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 09:48:44.012 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 09:48:43.996 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 09:48:43.995 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 09:48:43.994 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 09:48:43.833 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 09:47:13.825 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:45:43.818 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:44:13.811 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:42:39.678 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:42:38.804 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:41:04.458 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:41:03.791 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 09:41:03.790 am debugZ-Wave Node 15: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 09:40:58.800 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 09:40:58.780 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 09:40:58.779 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 09:40:58.778 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 09:40:58.777 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 09:39:28.769 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:37:58.761 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:36:28.752 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:34:54.765 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:34:53.744 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:33:19.330 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:33:18.731 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 09:33:18.729 am debugZ-Wave Node 14: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 09:31:43.922 am debugZ-Wave Node 13: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:31:43.838 am debugZ-Wave Node 13: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:31:43.720 am debugZ-Wave Node 13: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:30:12.826 am debugZ-Wave Node 13: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:30:08.711 am debugZ-Wave Node 13: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 09:30:08.709 am debugZ-Wave Node 13: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 09:30:03.863 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 09:30:03.840 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 09:30:03.839 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 09:30:03.834 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 09:30:03.704 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 09:28:33.695 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:27:03.687 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:25:33.679 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:23:59.610 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:23:58.971 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair setting SUC route

sys:12019-02-09 09:23:58.669 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair pinging

sys:12019-02-09 09:23:58.668 am debugZ-Wave Node 11: Repair starting

sys:12019-02-09 09:23:54.124 am debugZ-Wave Node 8: Repair is done.

sys:12019-02-09 09:23:54.104 am debugZ-Wave Node 8: Repair is requesting node neighbor info

sys:12019-02-09 09:23:54.103 am debugZ-Wave Node 8: Repair is adding return route

sys:12019-02-09 09:23:54.102 am debugZ-Wave Node 8: Repair is deleting routes

sys:12019-02-09 09:23:53.659 am debugZ-Wave Node 8: Repair is requesting device associations

sys:12019-02-09 09:22:23.652 am debugZ-Wave Node 8: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:20:53.619 am debugZ-Wave Node 8: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:19:23.612 am debugZ-Wave Node 8: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:17:49.829 am debugZ-Wave Node 8: Repair is updating neighbors

sys:12019-02-09 09:17:48.605 am debugZ-Wave Node 8: Repair setting SUC route

@chuck.schwer would be the best resource for explaining what's going on with ZWave Repair of Battery devices, especially Locks.

I also would like to know as 98% of my device are powered but 3 of them are not or don't repeat. That is one of my multi sensor 6 (untill I wire the room) my aeotec water sensor 6 with base so it powered but this seems to refuse to repeat and a window sensor 6. It's the window sensor I'm trying to see if i can fix as the battery lasts only a month or 2 even though there is a repeater 1.5m max away D.L.O.S. so I'm thinking it's trying to router further? I just ran 2 consecutive repairs and none of the battery devices came in even though I trigger them or pressed their buttons during the repair on the second attempt.

Also would like to know how battery devices are handled.

I'm not sure whether this is helpful, but I think that you don't generally need to worry about battery-powered devices when thinking about manual Z-Wave network repairs, particularly if your battery-powered devices are Z-Wave Plus and support Explorer Frames. I'm not 100% certain whether all Z-Wave Plus devices support Explorer Frames, which is why I am calling these out specifically here, but for the rest of the post, I will assume all Z-Wave Plus devices support Explorer Frames.

My understanding is that Z-Wave network repairs are most important for plugged-in devices that are not Z-Wave Plus, as they will not otherwise update their routing information. By contrast, Z-Wave Plus devices (whether battery-powered or plugged-in) should be able to fix their own routing within the mesh network (eventually---may take time). Manually running a Z-Wave network repair on Z-Wave Plus devices just makes them fix routing information now, rather than waiting for fixes to get discovered over time.

So far as I know, battery-powered devices (whether Z-Wave Plus or not) will not participate in manually initiated Z-Wave network repairs. And that's by design. Battery-powered Z-Wave Plus devices will figure things out over time with Explorer Frames. If you're dealing with old-fashioned battery-powered Z-Wave devices that need new routing information, I don't know what to tell you, as I haven't personally encountered or researched that issue :smile:

All that said, if someone sees anything incorrect in the above, please don't hesitate to correct me!