Z-wave radio crashed overnight, and cloud backup failed

I woke up this morning to an unresponsive z-wave network on my C8-Pro, running The hub says the z-wave radio crashed and the cloud backup failed. If I check the cloud backup status, it shows that it was able to backup zigbee but not z-wave. It had previously been able to backup z-wave. It looks like this is a fairly common issue based on posts in the forums, but this is the first time I've experienced it. I'd like to know if there is a workaround to avoid this in the future.

I'm not sure if this is related, but yesterday (before the crash) I attempted to pair one of my First Alert Smoke/CO detectors that I've been struggling to bring online since migrating from my C5 a few weeks ago. After failing to pair, the z-wave network on my C8-Pro was unresponsive. I rebooted the hub via the settings menu and functionality was restored.

Something else that was interesting is there was no shutdown/reboot buttons in Settings this morning after the radio had crashed. I had to pull the power to shut it down. After allowing it to settle for a minute or so, I plugged it back in and the z-wave network is alive again. Some devices were behaving strangely (missing commands, slow to respond) for a few hours, but they seem to be ok now.

Shutdown and Reboot are also available from the Diagnostics Menu if needed. If possible, I generally recommend a shutdown, followed by removing power for 10-15 seconds and then repower to clear the radio when have issues like that.

Thanks for the info on the reboot/shutdown buttons.

How should I proceed at this point? Do I need to check for any type of corruption in the z-wave database? If so, how do I check? I looked for ghost z-wave nodes, and didn't see any devices without a route entry in the z-wave details page.

Is this going to happen again the next time the hub attempts a cloud backup? Should I attempt a manual cloud backup and watch for anything specific in the logs?

I hate to leave the hub in this state, because I am not confident it will remain stable if I don't do anything differently.

I'd do a manual cloud backup at your convenience just to get one in. How often do you have the cloud backups scheduled for? Only real difference between them and the normal backup is the radio data bases, so if you're not adding/removing devices the normal backup will cover you - worst case scenario if the hub went back is that you'd have to do a restore from the last cloud backup to get the radios and then a restore from the last normal backup to get everything else current. Right now I'm doing weekly cloud backups and daily (actually one daily to my NAS at 1645 and one daily to the hub at 0300) normal backups.

My cloud backups are currently scheduled weekly. I have two prior successful backups before this one. I also have a daily local backup, like you suggested.

I just performed a manual cloud backup and it succeeded. I have no idea what caused it to fail last night, but waking up to a hub meltdown was not on my bingo card today. I'm hoping it was a one-time occurrence, but as an engineer I don't like not being able to explain a failure and just hoping it doesn't happen again.

Iโ€™m right there with you in not liking things that I canโ€™t explain, even if itโ€™s a 1%-2% probability I want to know why. Best thing to do at this point is to stay reasonably current with the firmware updates as there will likely be some tweaks as new causes are unearthed.

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@support_team My Z-wave crashed last night with a failed cloud backup if someone wants to investigate my engineering logs.