Z-Wave Quit Working Overnight

I've had a C7 hub installed and working for a few months now. This morning I noticed that none of my Z-Wave devices were working as they normally do. I tried rebooting the hub. Nothing. After a little research I tried shutting down the hub and cycling power. That brought back most devices.

I decided to take a closer look at the Z-Wave network and noticed I had a couple of Z-Wave devices that had shown no activity for quite some time. I decided to remove / re-add them. The first device excluded / removed easily but during inclusion it hung up on "initializing". After about 15 minutes I gave up and rebooted the hub. Another attempt at exclusion / inclusion was successful. I tried to same thing with another device and had almost the same results. This time it took four attempts to successfully add the device with hub reboots in between each attempt (waiting 10-15 minutes each time). I have also seen this issue when adding Zigbee devices so I don't think this is a Z-Wave issue but it is frustrating to say the least. Imagine migrating 80+ devices from SmartThings and running into this about 25% of the time.

I also found what I believe to be several "ghost devices" listed under devices.

These have been there for days but I didn't really pay any attention to them before because I was not having any issues (that I noticed). I have had no luck removing these and from what I've read it could possibly require additional hardware to do so.

Any help is appreciated.

The ghost devices will cause issues - you absolutely want to remove them. The first one has a remove button, so you can remove it. The others, you may need to refresh a few times to be able to see the remove button.

Do you have the latest hub firmware version? If not, I would recommend you update it. Some of the earlier versions had issues with Z-Wave.


Yeah, I can click "refresh", the screen refreshes and a "remove" button" appears but clicking on it does nothing. I've clicked it at least 5 times now. The screen refreshes but the device is still there. I also have a few devices that show no in / out clusters but they do show routing. Attempts to repair those fail.

I do have the most recent firmware version.

If the hub can ping the ghosts it won't let you remove them. Try killing power to everything except your hub and router. Then click refresh until it goes to failed. Two times is most it usually takes, then click remove.


I'll give that a try.

What about the devices that show routing but no in / out clusters? Should I just leave those alone? Looking at the device list it seems everything is accounted for so I'm not sure what those would even be.

Edit: this didn't work. With the hub and router on UPS I killed the main breaker to the house. I tried refreshing each device 3 or 4 times but they never showed failed. I tried removing them anyway but that didn't work, either.

That means they're battery devices then. Time to start plucking batteries out till you find them.

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So I removed the batteries from all Z-Wave devices and I still cannot remove these ghost devices. I tried refreshing each device at least 5 times and they never showed as failed. I tried repair. I tried remove. They're still there. It's like my hub has herpes.

If you don't have one I suggest picking up a UZB7 from mouser for $19 bucks. Then try out @danabw herpes vaccine.



Yeah, I used to have one back when I thought Home Assistant was a good idea... but I sold it to someone who didn't know any better.

I'll pick one up and give it a shot. Thanks for the help and Merry Christmas!

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