Z-Wave Poller stopped Polling

Been using Z-wave Poller for some time. Seemed to be fine.

Last night I noticed a couple things not working right. Same thing this morning. Got to checking and Z-wave poller was no longer polling. I had to stop polling and re-start to get it to go.

Why is that?

Anybody got any ideas on this? Every few days it stops polling. I have to stop it and re-start it. Kinda annoying when I see devices not showing status on dashboard and have to investigate why. And the polling is the issue.

May be worth sending an email to support.

Sent an email to support.

I also noticed in Rule machine there is a custom action to Start Polling. Does it just poll one time or how does that work?

I'm still having issues with this. Can anybody explain the RM actions 'start poll' and 'stop poll'? What exactly do they do? Do they control the z-wave poller? Do they start polling for selected devices on a time schedule? I have searched and can't find any info explaining this.

Re-visiting this issue. Z-wave poller still occasionally stops for no apparent reason. I made a rule to stop it every night for a couple hours then restart. That part works. But it still stops for no reason and has to be manually restarted.

I see this as well. I made a redundant poller using a RM 10 sec triggered rule and gave up on Z-Wave Poller. The reliability of my hub has deteriorated over the last few months to the point that I now need a redundant poller app in addition to redundant timed lighting events to make up for random failures of Simple Lighting, It reminds me of SmartThings in the bad old days before they redesigned their scheduler.

That's kinda been my biggest concern with HE is the un-reliability. Things just seem to periodically quit working.

I set up a rule yesterday that once an hour to stop the polling, wait 1 minute and restart the polling. Thought that might keep it going. I monitored the rule yesterday and it seemed to be working correctly.

Just checked it and it quit after 11 pm last night. When I set up the rule It asked for a start time. I picked 11 am. So it ran for 12 hours then quit. Something not right here.

I have the same issue. First time I enabled polling, it didn't start polling until I enabled logging. I restarted my hub last night as the web interface got really slow to respond. After the restart, polling did not start up automaticaly. I know this because I have a rule to turn on a zigbee light if another zwave light is detected as on. After I stopped/started polling from the rule, polling began again.

I agree with others, the hubitat is generally less reliable than the Wink V1 I converted from (aside from Wink's cloud issues).

Hi @phillip.adams - first off welcome to Hubitat. I'm sure Hubitat Support will want you to have a better user experience, so do consider contacting them.

The web interface slowness could be a known network incompatibility issue for which there is a fix. So I'm tagging @bobbyD in this post, so he'll see it.

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Mine would always start on a reboot or when I clicked start polling. No problem there. But it would stop periodically for no reason. I made a rule that every 2 hours it would stop polling and restart. Solved the problem.

I no longer use it now as I replaced my 5 regular Z-wave devices with Z-wave plus. So don't need the polling anymore.

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@phillip.adams sorry for the troubles. I checked your hub and it doesn't appear to be affected by the network connection issue. However, you may be running on a corrupt database. I recommend performing a "Soft Reset" following instructions in below document to see if that resolves your problems:


Please make sure to run a local backup before performing the reset (go to the web interface, then "Settings" and then click "Backup and Restore"; select "Download" and save the file locally; then when prompted during the resetting process, select this backup to restore your hub's settings).

Let me know if your problems persist after reset, so we can further research.

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Thanks for the quick reply! I followed you advice and did a backup and then a soft reset. After the restore and reboot, the polling started immediately, and everything seems to be working. Thanks!


I am having this same issue. I was polling about 18 switches and Z-Wave Poller would run for a few hours and quit. I then tried it with 3 switches and had the same issue. I then polled only a single switch and it still would not continue to run. @bobbyD could you take a look. I did go through the procedure above a couple of days ago but that did not fix the problem. I currently have Z-Wave Poller shut down pending a resolution.

I would send an email to support@hubitat.com It gets you a support ticket which may help getting attention.

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Yeah, I though I had done something wrong but I guess not. This built-in app just doesn't work.
I had set it up for the single GE z-wave switch I have in the house that doesn't report it's status. I think this app worked maybe once the first time then never again. Status updates just don't work.

So in case anyone else has issues, just stop using this app, it doesn't even work.

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