Z Wave on C8 was stable but now it is crashing very concerning

Man this C8 is nothing but trouble, I just got things stable for over a week and half including Zig Bee this morning I looked at the Z Wave table after I had lights not working and the table was empty, reboot didn't fix it had to shut it down completely and restart and it came back. I have seen reports of this on line, but hadn't seen it on my system.

I hope this isn't more trouble to come I am really getting tired of having this C8 down all the time.

What is the status of a fix for all these problems and don't tell me no one else is seeing these things it's all over the forum. It is getting beyond ridiculous and yes I am frustrated by having all this stuff when the C7 was fine.

What do your logs and event logs say?

The zwave crashing or having no routes in the table can happen on any hub, it is not isolated to the C8. If it happens once, would not worry about it. If it becomes a reoccurring issue then I would dig deeper.

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appreciate the advice, I had this happen on the C7 was able to fix it by removing a couple of Z wave devices that were chatty, but that fixed it. Those devices are in the trash and were not included in the C8 migration. I had no issues with Z wave on C8 from migration to now. only Zigbee issues I realize that it can happen but this is getting to the point where I cannot trust the C8 to work reliably all the time. the C7 was pretty darn good. My frustration is I am not sure what to look at any more to fix this things. It's up and running again now but for how long is the question. My logs and events are working but when it crashed I don't know what they reported I didn't look.

The C8 is a new release, with updated HW & FW on both Z-Wave and Zigbee sides so isn't just an modest iteration of the C7. The C8 is definitely going through some early growing pains, and while overall stability is improving across FW releases it is also definitely still a YMMV situation w/some folks still running into issues that unfortunately have been difficult to replicate/troubleshoot, and easily resolve.

No one is going to be able to provide a date when things will be fully settled. If you aren't in a position where you have the time/patience (or family forgiveness) to work through the issues you're having, you may want to consider a path others have taken, fallling back to the C7 until you feel more confident based on what you see in this forum about trying the C8 again.

@maranosal , I'd like to understand more what you mean by crash. Does the GUI become unresponsive or is the zwave network unresponsive while the rest of the C8's functionally appears to be running normally. I've been having z wave network freeze ups quite often in the C8 where nothing works then a while later things return to normal. My application connected devices that control my alarm and connect via LAN network remain functional at this time so I suspect something is overloading or failing with just the z wave modem at some random interval or under a condition I have yet to determine. I'm curious to understand your issue and observations more.

This happened to me the other day. Woke up at 3:45 for a trip to the bathroom, and the lights didn't work. I came to the conclusion, with the help of another user, that it was the Cloud Backup. I did a topic on it. Tagged support. Heard nothing back.

@maranosal , do you have Cloud Backup.

I have gone so far as to disable cloud backups on my c8 for this same issue

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