I have been having spotty Z-Wave response in the last week or so. My mesh is strong and mostly 100K Direct. The odd time I have a few that too many hops but repait doesn't seem to affect the response.
I have just installed these 2 door/window sensors and I am wondering why there is no Repair button? Maybe they didn't include properly?
Battery devices have no Repair option.
Geeze. I had never noticed
Pretty well all my Z-Wave are in-wall and the 2 that weren't had to be HubConnected through ST so they never showed in the list.
Off to another Z-Wave session then.
Quick query.
My Locks are all Z-Wave battery but they have Repair?
That seems to be the exception to the rule. I presume because they are FLiRS devices. (Frequently Listening Routing Slave)
@bcopeland has indicated it can take several days for a repair to result in updated routing (and it might not change at all).
My eco link door sensors also have no routes. Is that supposed to be that way?
They show a status when I go into the device page.
You sure they're not ghosts? Post a shot of your z-wave settings page
Battery devices may take some time to report their route particularly if they are at a weak/fringe point in the mesh.
The EcoLink Z-Wave magnet contact door sensor has at least 10 other Z-wave devices within 8 feet of it. Some are within 3 feet.
I've had battery devices take their time to report routing. How long has it been since you noticed they didn't have routing?
Is the contact sensor reporting open/closed accurately/promptly? If so, probably not an issue.
Well I don't look at this one everyday but it seems like it disappears at times. The status does change pretty much instantly when I open and close the doors. Just now after doing the open/close the routing appears.
I am just concerned when the routing disappears, it will look like a zombie if somebody tries to mesh through it. There are no other zombies in the table. Maybe this is Standard operating procedure for battery devices but I haven't seen that explicitly stated.
I am having problems lately with other some other devices near it. I have a good night scene that tries to turn off a bunch of lights as well as an automation that is supposed to turn everything off at 11:30PM as a catchall that seem to be missing things. If you run the good night scene twice it will mostly work. I also just increased the metering delay on the scene to 150ms with no apparent improvement in reliability.
Battery devices are never routing devices.
The mesh "ends" with them. Nearby devices must find their own router.
You might want to install Z-wave repeaters in specific areas. A cheap one is the Ring repeater.