I changed out my Z-Wave devices for their Zigbee equivalent. Z-Wave is picky and Zigbee plays nice.
This is my lonely Z-Wave graph
I was expecting to see the hub, but what is that faint thing? A flower petal?
I changed out my Z-Wave devices for their Zigbee equivalent. Z-Wave is picky and Zigbee plays nice.
This is my lonely Z-Wave graph
I was expecting to see the hub, but what is that faint thing? A flower petal?
It's Hubitat talking to itself.
I should worry when it starts arguing with itself…
I feel the same about Z-Wave. I like Valvoline and you like Pennzoil.
I only see worry from family members when I'm doing that...
Ill settle the argument. 15 paces with flintlocks.
I use both. Both can be finicky in certain circumstances ie without a proper/strong mesh, problem or failed/failing or overly chatty devices.
ie, Z-Wave Long Range
Same...would be sad to give up using some devices if I only used one or the other. I find cool stuff on both sides.
I agree. Well, now I'm not sure. Maybe I disagree. Some. Or not, hard to say.
Sorry - got to go, wife says some guys w/cool white jackets w/very long sleeves want to talk to me...