Z-wave fail after brief power outage

I am running a C8 on v powered on a UPS.

z-wave devices I am have issues with;

Aeon Labs DSC06106-ZWUS
Jasco ZW4101
Jasco ZW3101
Jasco ZW3003

I had a power outage that lasted about 2 seconds. When power was restored my z-wave devices are acting strange.

The DSC06106-ZWUS properly report their status when I manually switch them on/off but when I try and switch them on/off through Hubitat these devices will not respond, or if they do, they switch after a long delay, taking upwards to a minute to respond. After that if I try and switch them on/off again they don't respond at all. And yet if I manually press the power button on the device, the status properly report. The other z-wave devices act similar.

Things I've tried;
Rebooting the hub even though it never lost power
Powered off the hub for 10 minutes.
Performed a z-wave repair.

Has anyone else experienced this type of problem? I have had power fails before but nothing like this has ever happened to me before

Screenshot 2023-05-21 10.38.31

I'm just another user, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
It sound's like you've tried a fair amount of stuff.
For me, since I have a house full of Jasco/GE switches, I'd try a controlled shutdown of the hub and then turn off my main breaker for a little while.
Sometimes I wonder if having the hub on a ups is always a good thing.

I'm not sure pressing the z-wave repair button for everything at one time is a winner.
I use it a la carte when I'm trying to improve communications speed as seen on the status page.

This happens here every time we have any power outage, for years. I am on a C7 hub and have tried everything. I've come to the conclusion that the ball was dropped and there are unrecoverable bugs that will simply never be repaired. Either with Z-wave itself, the hubitat, or maybe my Zooz switches that function as repeaters for most of my very large mesh. The good news is that my system always rebuilds the mesh within maybe 12 - 24 hours max. It is a shame. I NEVER have any issues with my Zigbee network which I am continuing to grow as I avoid future Z-wave devices whenever I can.

I'm the complete opposite.
Zigbee sucks. :slight_smile:

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I find it amazing how buggy and unpredictable all of this stuff is!

I have over 100 z-wave devices and over 25 zigbee. Z-wave was a problem since the very first device. I even bought a z-wave stick and removed ghost nodes, added an external antenna in the center of my house, etc etc.

Maybe the issue is with the implementation of the specific brands of devices we bought.

It doesn't take much to knock out the mesh, for sure. Maybe z-wave more than zigbee, but zigbee is not doing so well lately.

When a Z-Wave or Zigbee radio fails, I have found the best approach to be:

  1. Shut down the hub
  2. Unplug the hub
  3. Re-plug the hub
  4. Wait a bit and see if everything is back
  5. If there are still issues, restore a backup and see if that works
  6. If all this fails, see if someone else in the community has other things to look for or try.

@an39511 Do what @Sebastien says but first after shutting down and unplugging the hub, air gap the switches for a minute. Then bring the hub back up... (keep hub unplugged at least 2 or 3 minutes before powering the hub back up)

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I was thinking along the same lines with flipping the breaker, but how would you restart? Hub first (it's on a UPS), and then the devices, or power the devices first, then start up the hub? I'm thinking hub first, but maybe it doesn't matter.

I shut down the hub and unplugged it. Then I shut off the main breaker for the whole house for five minutes. Re-energized the main breaker. Then powered up the hub. After the hub came up and stabilized z-wave is working normally again. Thanks!

I'm not sure what caused the problem but I've had power outages before and never had this problem. Usually when power goes out only once and for a second or two it's usually the power company swapping equipment or feeder lines. Maybe that did something. Who knows. Glad everything is back to normal.

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Unplugging power to the hub for a few mins clears the radio in the hub, rebooting does not. You didn't have to hit breakers. There is a tab to airgap those switches.

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