Hi all,
I'm hoping I'm just having a brain fart or something, but I went to do a Z Wave Exclusion today and notice the button is missing from the Z Wave Details page. Not sure if it was coincidence or not but I know it was there a couple days ago before I did the most recent update, and now it's missing, or I'm going nuts. Help please and thanks.
*Edit - I have searched for similar issues and rebooted my C7.
Yep missing from mine as well - I seem to remember reading somewhere that they were removing it but I cannot find the post.
It is still available somewhat counter-intuitively under "Devices/Add Device/Z-Wave" though..
Ah yep there it is, well that makes all kinds of sense. Thanks man.
I think it was removed from there in a relatively recent release, but yeah, works great from the Devices page (once you know it's there!)
Funny how once you do things through one path you stick to it.
I was unaware of this button as I've always done my inclusion/exclusions through the devices page.
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