Z-wave discovery fails yet again

Once again, a new z-wave device discovery fails. This time a first alert z-wave enable carbon monoxide and smoke detector. I have 5 other Identical devices that work fine, but I try to set the new one up and hubitat just reports:

Found Z-Wave Device with id 4F


and gets stuck there. I factory reset the device and try again and still nothing. Same effing stuck message. What's fun is that everytime the device beeps my dog freaks out and tries to chew her way through the fence to run away, and setting up the device with z-wave requires several beeps each time. It would really be great if hubitat could do something right on the 1st try, but that seems to be a pipe dream.

This was with ST but I had a similar problem and read the suggestion somewhere to run a Device Exclude between every attempt to do a Device Discovery for same device. That solved the problem on the first try after the Exclude for me. I hope that helps.


:point_up:t2:This exactly

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How many times has this happened to you?

I think maybe once for me, and I’m pretty sure I solved the issue with a couple attempts at general device exclusion, as @stephen_nutt and @SmartHomePrimer already recommended.

Edit: FWIW I’d say my hub does most things right on the first try, unless of course I’ve tried to get too complicated with rule machine for my own good. That can take three or four (or 10) tries to get right.

Is this the Z-COMBO ? There's notes in the Join and Reset instructions about the device going to sleep. If you've already excluded in previous attempts, then that's possibly why it's not finishing initialization.


Happened to me once. It was suggested I exclude, reboot, and pair again. Worked like a charm. If that hasn't been suggested to you, I recommend trying it.


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Ah, good point too! I have had some success with a reboot, and when that didn't work, a shutdown worked as I believe it was said that the Zigbee and Z-Wave radios do not power down in a reboot.

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@SmartHomePrimer is correct. I didn't reboot. I did a shutdown and restart.

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Same boat hear. Stuck on "initializing". Successfully included two of these alarms so far, but the third won't join. Tried including, excluding, including, excluding etc... I also tried shutting down HE and trying the steps above over again.

Now the smoke alarm isn't detected at all.

Don't pull out the battery pack so far out. Pull it out only 25% of the way out, hold down the button and quickly push the battery pack in. Then release the button. Not sure why this worked, but the button should not be held down for very long.