Z-wave devices suddenly stopped working C-5

Hi, i have been using my C-5 hub for nearly a year now without any bigger issues. But today all my z-wave devices suddenly stopped working..
The only change I can remember is two new plugs about two weeks ago, and installing the hub rebooter app last week since my hub have been slowing down after running for about a month.

But today my morning routine ran as usual, but about 30 minutes later when I tried to set a dimmer level nothing happens.

I have tried a z-wave network repair, soft reboot, and unplugging it for about 20 minutes. No change.

Running the latest firmware.

After running the UZB in PC-Controller and another restart everything seems to be working again...

Why haven't the C-5 gotten the new z-wave diagnostics that the C-7 got in v 2.4?

Itโ€™s a completely different Z-wave stack so theyโ€™ll need to write a new app from scratch. Not saying it wonโ€™t happen, but probably pretty low on the list.

Anything in the logs about what happens when one is accessed?

It happened again today.
Nope, nothing special in the log. Just that it sent a command to turn switch on/off.

Just taking a shot in the dark here, but do you have any contact sensors or other battery powered z-wave devices?

Yes, two. One magnetic door sensor and one motion sensor.

Can you give a list of your z-wave items? Any GE switches? (they can take down a mesh if they're failing)

There was a change to several of the drivers in the last release or so to try and get battery reporting working better. One of those changes (being addressed in 2.2.5 it looks like) seems to be causing a minor Zwave storm when a sensor wakes up. Seems particularly bad with Ecolink, but other vendors may also be experiencing the issue. At least for the contact sensor, the work around was to switch to the Ring Contact Sensor driver (there are 2, use the first one).

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Hmm, I'm gonna take a look at that when I get of work. But it seems very probable that it would be my motion sensor. Since my morning routines run as they should, and after they have run i wake up and pass the motion sensor outside my bathroom. And after that nothing works.

I'll check back with my findings later today :slightly_smiling_face:

I couldn't wait xD
My contact sensor is on zigbee (my bad).
I have removed the battery from it anyway.
I have excluded my motion sensor and removed it's battery. Still the same problem.
Looking at the logs i get spammed with power meter readings at 0 watts. Coming mostly from my qubino switches.

If I manually flip a switch the hub gets a log from it, but I cannot set anything from the hub.

Now that I have excluded my motion sensor that is a Cleverio, the only brands i have on the z-wave network is Telldus and Qubino and a heatit thermostat.

Oh wait, i have two fibaro smoke sensors running on battery as well..

Tamper alerts are triggered instantly when I remove them to pull the battery.
Still unable to control z-wave switches from the hub.

A downgrade to 2.3 had no effect, but what makes stuff work again is making the uzb powerless. So it seems like it's the uzb that hangs and not the hubitat hub...

You can confirm this by disabling the UZB in devices. Click the X in the top right corner and then a column will show up next to the devices where you can disable them.



I usually leave mine disabled unless I am actively using it.

How do I add it as a device? (So I can disable it)

When you paired it to the Hubitat hub it should show up in there as either Device or whatever you named it.

I've never paired it?

Then I don't understand how you are affecting your devices. Once you pair it you can use the PC Controller software to manipulate the mesh.

It's plugged in via USB to my hubitat? And when using it with my computer i just physically moved it.