Z-wave devices dropping off after update

Hi All,

My hub as been running great lately. So good in fact that I've held off updating on the last few updates. Finally thought I would update and now I'm kicking myself.

I have a solid z-wave mesh that I've never had issues with I haven't added any new devices to the network in a long time. But now, after updating, I've now had two compatible devices fall off the z-wave network, a Leviton Z-wave plus dimmer and a zooz z-wave plus motion sensor and the motion sensor is in the same room small office as the hub! So frustrating!

Nothing has changed with z-wave... Likely the issue is DB corruption. Do this, go to settings>>backup and restore. Click the download button at the bottom and save a copy of your database (any corruption is cleaned during this backup) Goto yourhubip:8081 and do a soft reset. Upon reboot restore with the database you saved to your pc. Go to settings, shut down. Unplug your hub for 20 mins (at the wall not the hub) then power back up and see if things are good.

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Interesting insight. Is it likely the DB was corrupted during the update?

I'll definitely try this and report back.

Updates tend to expose corruption not cause it.


Said my local Government, lol.


Well I did exactly as you described and unfortunately the switch and motion sensor still seem to have dropped off the z-wave network. Any other suggestions?

Post a screen shot of your z-wave details page

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Might help to reboot the Z-Wave radio. Only known way is to:
Clean shutdown to red light (Settings, shutdown)
Remove power (at mains, not micro USB plug)
Leave power off for at least 30 seconds
Reapply power, let hub boot.

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I basically did that upon following rlighgow1's instructions. Shut down, removed usb plug from wall adapter (not the hub end of the usb cord), let sit for over 20 minutes then plugged back in and let reboot.

Should I do it a second time?

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No... That would reset it... Lets look at your z-wave status page, post a screen shot

Thanks! Here you go. It's the 'Ensuite Vanity Lights' and 'Office Motion Sensor' that have dropped off. Other devices that don't have a 'last sent' and 'last received' entry are probably due to the recent soft reset moments ago.

So you have a c5. Overall your mesh looks healthy. At this point I would remove and readd the 2 devices. Make sure you remove them from Hubitat, then run exclude on them before re pairing.

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Ugh! I was hoping that wasn't the solution. Any ideas why they would randomly fall off when my mesh has been rock solid for so long and nothing has changed (no new devices added)?

Initially, when I thought just one device fell off, I posted and @csteele gave me some advice on how I can use a z-wave stick and PC Controller to 'replace' the device, similar to the functionality on a C7 hub, so that I don't have to modify all my automations.

See our discussion on this thread: Modifying Network ID of a z-wave device to use a placeholder while re-pairing with hub - #12 by cj_rezz

So this is my plan to try and tackle it this way but really would like to figure out what happened!

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It could be a bad device, who knows. Sometimes devices just flake out. Another way you can do it is simply join the new device to the mesh, clone the (rules) you need and then change out the device in the cloned rule, delete original rule. Or just add device, go through the (rules) and change the device.

With your suggestion, don't I need to exclude the device first before re-including? And by doing this, will it break my rules or will will the rules be fine after the device is exclude, I just need to clone them to add the device back in?

Once you reset the device and readd it it will create a new id. Delete the old one when rules are complete

Ok, so don't exclude it first, just reset it and re-include will leave the old copy of the device attached to the rules.

I think i might try the PC Contoller app just to play with it, if it works, it would be a lot easier then cloning or rebuilding all my rules.

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Did you find any resolution? My leave devices all seem to have stopped working after the latest update.

Do you mean leaf? Aren't those wifi?