Z-wave devices disappearing

Hey everyone,
Hoping to get some more visibility going this route than emailing support, all Iā€˜ve gotten from support the last two times Iā€™ve emailed is the auto responder and then silence.

Over the past four days my hub seems to have forgotten about 5 Z wave devices, seemingly random a couple of them battery powered a few of them means powered. Thereā€™s simply no record of them existing... rules that used them are broken. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any logs that I can access that might give some insight into this, but Iā€™m wondering if anybody in the community has any ideas on how to figure out whatā€™s happening.

Thanks for anybodyā€™s thoughts on the matter!

Have you tried resetting your hub and let it go through a database integrity check?

Do you happen to have rebooted your hub without doing a "polite" shutdown first? Every time the hub starts, it checks the database integrity, and if something is wrong, it will restore the last known good copy. By default, backups are made every night around 2 AM (during regular hub maintenance) and on boot. Where I'm going with this is that if the hub experienced an unexpected shutdown and the database happens to have been corrupted, your devices may "disappear" because the backup that got restored didn't contain them. Even with power loss, this is still pretty rare, and if you added apps after adding the device and the apps are still there (just missing the device), that doesn't quite add up to me since they'd all be part of the same database, but I figure it's worth asking just in case.

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there's been no unexpected reboots that I'm aware of, my hub is on a UPS.
I have rebooted it via the reboot hub link in settings.

it's the most curious issue.... system logs show that I added a new z-wave device... but... it's not here anymore. system logs either don't show removed devices, or the hub just made it go away.

I have not purposefully removed these devices either.

I had this happen once when trying to get a device to include. I did a generic exclude to make sure it would add and had some trouble getting a device to go, and ended up losing 3 devices in the process. Did you by chance do a generic exclude? Not optimal, and shouldn't happen, but it did to me a few months ago. Hasn't happened since. I feel like you might want to do a soft reset and restore to be safe, but your db should have been checked overnight as routine but it still might be a warning that there's an issue with your database.

Maybe some sort of mesh/db issue that's stranding those devices - if that is even possible..

ya know, I think I did.... that's interesting... so you can exclude devices just because they chatter while an exclude is occurring?

I did have to excluded them specifically following device directions before they'd include again... so the devices themselves didn't know they were excluded.

one device was a hank contact sensor
another was an Inovelli Red Simmer
and the last that I've found, is an Aeotec 6 in 1 sensor (usb powered)

so.... how does one work around that?

that's an interesting thread... I wonder when the update they're referring to is going to come out so you can see stranded devices somewhere... I've got 107 current devices, I honestly wouldn't notice one was gone, till something didn't happen the way it was supposed to... and by then, it might take me a while to figure out which device went away if its just an automation that's broken and not a device I actually interact with all the time.

No idea. However, if you have stranded devices, you'll notice it. I accidentally stranded 4 or 5 devices a few months ago. ALL my z-wave automations slowed to a crawl. Z-wave repairs didn't fix it. The z-wave network would work fine immediately after a reboot, but then slow down within half a day. Multiple soft-resets didn't fix it. Ultimately, I used PC Controller as a secondary controller to find and delete the stranded devices.

Yeah, I have that same issue.... hub works super quick after a reboot... get a little pokey, but not obnoxiously slow after a while... I have the bits to build a zniffer on the way to see if I can track that down also.

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I was just investigating this same thing this morning I had a GE Z-Wave Switch disappear on me and when I looked at the log, I saw this:

And no, I was not awake at 4:24AM, so no idea why this would happen. I also lost another switch that I noticed this morning, which I re-added already:

It was randomly removed at 5:06AM, also before I was up.

It's not supposed to happen. So there's not a work around. I mentioned it to Bobby once and he was like heh ... that shouldn't happen. :grin:
Something aligned perfectly and removed it. When it happened to me it was a usb powered aeotec multi, but it had been paired on batteries so i'm wondering if it has something to do with flirs devices like contact sensors or with something that may not have joined properly to start? Just speculation. Also my homeseer light sensor was removed. Mains powered. Just strange. It hasn't happened to me since. If it's any consolation.

I would definitely send this up to support. Quite possible a bug still remains from the update that would have done this during cleanup.


Thank you @april.brandt. What is the formal way to do that? I'm very new to this community.

I tagged bobby, but you would send an email to support@hubitat.com


Sorry for your troubles. You cannot exclude devices unless both the device and the controller (hub or another Z-Wave controller) are in the exclusion mode. What happens to me often, is that when I am trying to exclude a switch, for example, I put the hub in exclusion mode, then before I can flip the switch on, one of my kids downstairs turns the light on and that device gets excluded accidentally. If you didn't submit a ticket yet, please send us an email so we can further investigate.

That is very odd. May I ask how do you normally exclude Z-Wave devices? Do you use a different controller by any chance, like a Z-Wave stick?

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I just sent an email in for ya, haven't gotten a ticket number yet, but you should see it.
Thanks @bobbyD


Thanks for the attention to this @bobbyD. When I exclude, I simply go to devices, start the exclusion process, then go hit on/off on the switch a few times. That's the proper way, is it not?

I'm not even aware of what a Z-Wave stick is. Sounds intriguing. :grinning:

That is the proper way, so you don't have any other controllers in your home, another active Z-Wave controller (such as a different hub)?

No other hub. Came from Wink, but I removed/excluded all from Wink, then got it off the network. Also removed Wink from Alexa and all of its associations.