Z wave device status- no longer refreshing

i have a z-wave socket (not PLUS) that uses the "generic z-wave outlet" driver.
I can control it on/off from within the HE device panel but its state does not update (always says OFF) even when choosing "refresh". It has been working in the past- i had to regularly send the refresh command as when operated locally (on the device) its actual state was never reflected in HE (only if i done it via the HE, which has now ceased to update)

Not sure when this stopped working- maybe during a recent FW update.

broken driver or something else?
Any help appreciated. thanks

Turn on both logging options.
Open logs in a new browser window.
Press configure on device, wait for it to be done (you may see some log activity).
Press refresh.

Post a screenshot of the resulting logs.

i powered off/on the device/outlet and it appeared to be working as it should.
Weird that i could control the device but it was giving no feedback to the HE.

Is there a command that can reboot a device remotely?
No idea what may have cause this.

Nothing standard that I have seen.

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