Yes it helps a lot. Thanks for the time you took writing everything down
It might also show up as a dimmer for some reason. I think my Z-stick (a series 500) shows up as "device" and the UZB-7 shows up as a "generic z-wave dimmer". In either case it doesn't really matter since you will not be using it on the HE for anything.
its not working for me.. it includes fine.. the hubitat does not see the device even though based on numbering it is in the hubitat mesh.. if i then reboot the hubitat it sees the new device but it is a ghost node with no in and out info..
At least with the two devices i tried to join. and one had no security so that wasnt the issue..
I think Bryan means you can pair the USB stick with S2 security.
no he said he never tried using it for inclusions.. in the next sentence.. that is what i was replying too.. yes you can include it in s2 mode.. i have my aeon z stick included in my hubitat in full s2 mode.
You can include PC Controller with all granted keys. I have never actually tried using it for inclusions..
This is the part I was referring to.. pairing the secondary controller itself which is a usb stick. I think we are saying the same thing - I agree with you AND have had the exact same experience as you but with a different device.
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