YIO Remote Integration

Anyone here also interested in the YIO remote? As NEEO Remote is going to be shut down, it looks like YIO is a promising successor. I know a semi-official NEEO integration had been built for Hubitat, which was great! Anyone planning on building a YIO integration?

semi official?, anything built in is official...

What's a YIO...

$300 for a kit that I have to put together myself?!? I don't think you're going to get much interest here.


Sorry, yes that makes sense that it is official. I also love the integration so thank you for building it!

YIO is another smart home remote that is a build your own version of NEEO. It is open source and was originally intended to work with Home Assistant, but there is now activity building integrations for other platforms too:

It looks a lot like the NEEO remote.

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