Xiaomi Roborock Integrations/Automation Ideas?

Sorry to bump an older thread; but is there any update on this? I've got the S5 linked with a MiConnector docker and connected to the Hubitat.

however I'm looking for a way to clean a specific room and make a command I can send with voice on alexa. On the app I have my Living room, Kitchen and Hallway all separated. Anyway to specify to clean those highlighted zones? I dont see any settings in the Miconnector app. I cant think of another way to go. I'd in effect like to be able to say Alexa, vacuum the living room twice or vacuum the kitchen 3 times. I can do it from the app but to do it from voice would be easier :slight_smile:

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I don't have a xiaomi vacuum cleaner although I have Mi connector set up for another device.

Maybe this might point you in the right direction, if it can be done in HA I would imagine it's possible on HE. I'd be interested to know, if we ever get a robot cleaner!

Hello ,
I need a help - i got my pi with docker,db,mi connector installed. I have roborock s6 max and getting following error in the mi connector ;( vaccum not supported

Any clu what to do?

You will need to edit the driver or the docker file to include the s6max, if you look through this thread the info is there for the s5max

I added following to mi connector app on hubitat side to include my version of roborock:

else if(params.type == "roborock.vacuum.v1" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.c1" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.m1s" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.a10" || params.type == "viomi.vacuum.v7"){
dth = "Xiaomi Vacuums";
name = "Xiaomi Vacuums";
}else if(params.type == "roborock.vacuum.a10"){
dth = "Xiaomi Vacuums2";
name = "Xiaomi Vacuums2";

Removed application, installed again, restarted mi connector on rasoberry pi and the same issue :frowning:

Where and what should i change on docker?


Finally have it working:

  1. Reinstalled my pi from scratch
  2. Installed docker
  3. Installed mi connector fison67/mi-connector:latest
  4. Installed Db
  5. Configured mi connector a per fison67 instructon
  6. Updated mi connector application as follows:
    else if(params.type == "rockrobo.vacuum.v1" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.c1" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.m1s" || params.type == "viomi.vacuum.v7"){
    dth = "Xiaomi Vacuums";
    name = "Xiaomi Vacuums";
    }else if(params.type == "roborock.vacuum.s5" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.s6" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.a10"){
    dth = "Xiaomi Vacuums2";
    name = "Xiaomi Vacuums2";
  7. Restarted mi connector container
  8. Manually added vacuum (IP + Token)
  9. Now it was successfully registered without any issues.
  10. Next, I tried to add device from mi connector (both side) but on hubitat nothing was found in the application and on raspberry pi I could not select vaccount to be added
  11. In the end, the vaccum device appears automatically on hubitat side :slight_smile:

Hello, I am curious, what did you configure at point 5 from your list in the docker mi connector files / where did you find the instructions from fison67?
I have tried a s4 and s4max, but the both show the same "vaccum not supported" error, now I am hopeful that they can be used with the same trick as the s6 max.
Thank you very much

As far as I remeber it was that part:

  1. Open Mi Connector web settings page (http://X.X.X.X:30000/settings)
  2. Fill in the DB settings:
    DB URL (e.g. "localhost")
    DB Port (e.g. "3306", "33006")
    DB Password (e.g. "password1234", "password")
  3. Restart Mi Connector Docker container

> If you don't add/update the DB values, they must be [ localhost, 33006, password1234 ].