WYZE Leak Sensors

Anyone know if these will work with HE?

Not directly. It uses 915 Mhz RF to talk to the Wyze hub. Nut sure if the hub has ability to connect to Hubitat directly. Maybe ITTT.


Couldn't that also be Zigbee in the 915mhz freq?

While possible, it is not the same 2.4GHz frequency that Hubitat's ZHA radio uses for Zigbee.

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Very unlikely. Wyze sensors are sold in Europe and North America. The only lower zigbee channel available in Europe is 868 MHz (Channel 0). So if the same sensors are sold here and there, then Wyze must use a protocol other than zigbee at 915 MHz.

Of course what matters more is what @ogiewon mentioned - Hubitat's radio only uses the higher zigbee channels (11-25)

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I use IFTTT and a virtual switch to use the wyse motion detectors. not ideal but works