In case anybody else is interested in hacking the Wyze Cam cameras so they are local, here are the steps I went through to successfully update one of my Pan cameras with this hack:
Assume using Windows 10...
Bootloader install:
- Make sure camera has latest firmware from Wyze app (makes it easier to test if revised firmware is loaded)
- Note camera's MAC address, look up IP address in router
- Set an IP reservation in the router for the camera's IP address
- Use a 512mb microSD card (some say you can use larger and make a 512mb partition)
- Format 512mb microSD card with FAT32
- Remove System Volume Information folder from 512mb microSD card by opening an administrative command prompt, delete files from the folder (del) and remove the folder (rmdir)
- Download proper CFW-Binary file for your camera (Xiaomi-Dafang-Hacks/ at master · EliasKotlyar/Xiaomi-Dafang-Hacks · GitHub)
- Copy CFW-Binary file to the 512mb microSD card, rename to demo.bin
- Remove power cable from camera
- Put 512mb microSD card into camera
- Hold down setup button on camera while plugging in the power cable
- Keep setup button pressed for about 10 seconds
- Release setup button and wait about 3 minutes for firmware to flash (I waited less than a minute)
- How to tell with firmware is done flashing for Pan Cam: yellow LED, blue LED, yellow LED, LED blinks yellow/blue, then Pan Cam rotates, then solid blue LED
- Remove power cable from camera
- Remove 512mb microSD card from camera
- Plug in power cable to camera
- Go to Wyze app, it will want to upgrade the firmware, cancel out
Firmware install:
- Use a 32gb microSD card (other sizes may work, this is what I used)
- Make sure it is formatted FAT32 (don't know if this is true, but mine already was)
- If System Volume Information folder exists, remove it (my microSD card had this folder)
- Clone the repository GitHub - EliasKotlyar/Xiaomi-Dafang-Hacks, download as zip
- Copy the files in the firmware_mod folder to the 32gb microSD card
- Copy config/wpa_supplicant.conf.dist to config/wpa_supplicant.conf
- Using Notepad++ (to keep LF without CR), edit config/wpa_supplicant.conf to set wifi settings: ssid, psk
- Put 32gb microSD card into camera
- Plug in power cable to the camera
- For Pan Cam, yellow LED, quick blue LED, yellow LED, then solid blue LED
- Login at https://, will get certificate warning which can be ignored, when prompted for user/password use root/ismart12
The web interface has changed from screen prints that I saw, seems like there are a lot more options, including auto SW night detection. Video looks great, whew! Supposedly RTSP stream supports sound but I have not yet gotten that to work with VLC.
Looking for advice for the following:
Using TinyCam (setting it up to be a server), I was able to use the Hubitat dashboard image tile to display still shots of the Wyze cameras from the Wyze app. But when I use the snapshot URL for the hack, it doesn't work. I think that is because of https and user/password. Any ideas how can I get around that?
What are different ways to view the RTSP stream on Windows 10? I read that TinyCam is integrated with this hack (haven't tried it yet) but also looking for a way to view the stream on my Surface Go.
What kind of audio would be required for VLC? The options in the hack are OPUS, PCM, PCMU and MP3. I am familiar with MP3 but the rest is greek! And I've never used VLC before. I haven't yet had time to try each and see what happens in VLC.