Wunderground app: poll doesn't work?

@dJOS This may be the most stupid question ever but I can' t get the auto poll to work?

Surely I must have missed something?!

Howdy, try changing the day start back to the default of 12:01.

Thanks, will try that!

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Cheers, I can’t recall why I made that the default, I need to take another look at the code.

still does not work... but I made a rule to poll WU so it is solved now..

Can you turn on logging and send me the logs for a poll and a force poll please?

Btw, do you have a PWS?

Hi, I've released v6.8.2 which removed the "PWS optional" functions - it was proving quite troublesome.

PS If you want to PM me your Station ID and API Key I can try and replicate the issue at my end.

Yes I do have a PWS, so for me the Wunderground app is much more valueable because of that.

It's only a bit disappointing that Wunderground only parses the integer temperature value. For example in Celcius 8.1 or 8.9 is quite a difference.

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Yeah, I don't know why they do that either, must be because Yanks can't think in base10.

I don't want to put you up with extra work... Polling with a Rule (which I thought of later) is perfectly OK for me. I also will hang on to the now 'old' WU app because of the PWS option. I understand that you ditched it but it's working for me now and I intend to learn from your amazing(!) app code to get Json data from my local weather station later on.

I of course can send you all the details you requested but I don't know if it is worth your time?

LOL, yes that must be the reason :wink:

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The PWS ID is a mandatory field again (as it originally was) - so updating to 6.8.2 just removes all the detection logic that made it optional.

I'd like to work out what the issue is, as it may affect others. So please send away.

stupid Q: how to send a PM? do I use the flag option?

Just click on my avatar and select message:

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