Wondering if there are future plans to support HE apps/drivers written in python. The people over at HE have gotta be realizing by now they've missed an opportunity to be the HA platform for a strong open-source developer community. The choice to use Groovy instead of Python was probably the same person who thought of Rule Machine. I mean c'mon, this stuff is so awkward to use and I'm a software engineer.
The platform is written in java, groovy is a java extension.
Supporting python is not going to happen.
It's my fault for not doing better research. Wouldn't have bought HE had I known these were the kind of people running it. I'll be switching to Home Assistant.
LOL. Good luck with that!! We readily admit to being those kind of people.
I think this may have been the source of the misunderstanding.
While the developer community for hubitat is great, they’ve never claimed to be interested in an open source development approach (the opposite, actually).
The platform is largely an offshoot of Smartthings, hence the groovy code base. Even rule machine existed as a ST app before hubitat inc. was formed.
From the perspective of a non-developer, I don’t think I care if Hubitat uses groovy or python, if it does what I need it to do (and it mostly does).
It sounds like your needs as a developer will be better met by a platform like home assistant.
I am pretty sure you are right. RM was originally community-created by @bravenel for ST prior to birth of HE and he is an HE founder.
Good luck...
As an aside, I wish I understood why some people go out of their way to join a community just to post borderline rude comments or at least comments that seem to seek an argument. Just seems like a waste of time, but maybe that’s just me.
Tools in a toolbox...
No, I don’t feel bad for giving my opinion about the platform. Maybe you feel a certain way about it, that’s on you.
Bye Felicia.
What advantages does one typed language have over another, especially when the other (groovy) is well-suited for a platform that is a JVM?
By this kind of people you mean honest.... right. You asked and you were answered. I think in today's world honesty is by far too infrequent. And I personally would rather hear the truth than to here something whitewashed.
Even a moment of searching brings up Java/Groovy is what Hubitat runs on. Similarly, it is fairly clear by searching that it isn't open source, but does allow you to add your own apps and drivers.
What advantage does Python hold over Groovy? Is it needed? I am not a programmer, nor am I familiar with these programming languages, so I truly don't know. If it works, isn't that what counts?
Anyway, it sounds like this device isn't what you were looking for.
People who think there is a “best language” are the same people who think there is a “best tool” and therefore use a hammer to put in screws. I’m not sure why you think python is the best, but there is a reason why there are hundreds of languages
In an intent to be useful, you might enjoy this project:
More details here:
Or consider hooking HE up to Node-Red or choose whatever dev adventure you wish with Maker API.
Do I remember that python is the language of choice for machine learning?
Hey, thanks for the recommendation. Most people are just here to belittle and dismiss my argument without being constructive.
I’ve thought about this and it would be great although I think the HTTP layer adds some overhead. Easy enough to implement a simple http server to push device events to make it fully integrated with makerAPI. Cheers!
I’m not even sure why I’m engaging in this but... Want to know why?
Your first 2 messages in the community consist of:
Did someone mention constructive and belittling..?
I don’t particularly care one way or another about your specific argument, just letting you know that coming in hot like this isn’t really the way to start off having any sort of productive conversation within a community of people - regardless of the community. Maybe you could have had a valid point but starting off like this, immediately turns almost everyone off from actually having the discussion. Perhaps you don’t realize how you come off or maybe you just enjoy trolling, who knows.
To quote a great orator of our time:
Good luck to you in your future endeavors.
anybody else?