Work from home status light

As I'm sure a lot of you are, working from home has a lot of challenges with family around. Have any of you set up a status light so your family can know if they can interrupt you? I know I could just put a color light near my office and set color status if I'm free or busy and same with a led strip. But have any of y'all done anything else creative? I'm wanting to maybe do a small led color changing light above the door. Curious what you all have done?

Yep, I close my study door when I'm on a conference. :sunglasses:



I set the fireplace mantle recessed light to 1% so it's on but not annoying when I don't want to be disturbed because I'm on a call or something.

These might be helpful, they are a similar topic.

if you use your calendar to schedule meetings, there are plenty of calendar integrations in the forums. you can use these to help automate the color

That reminds me, Amazon Alexa or google home is an option for many folk. I have our Alexa’s connected to my calendar and my wife can check my schedule on the Echo Show in the kitchen.