Withings Thermo - only got battery detail?

I have just bought the Withings Thermo as the other things (Sleep mat and Scales) integrated so easily with Hubitat.

I have added Thermo and in the devices page it just shows the battery '80' nothing else

However, in WebcoRe the options available show up

I am wanting a rule where I change the colour of the lights based on the temperature reading, but right now WebCore is not getting any ready from the Thermo .... and the Thermo is linked to my account and showing readings on my Withings App to my Withings Account ... help ?

I would post in the Withing post here:
[RELEASE] Withings Integration to get better help or WebCoRe post.

Two things, one make sure you have the latest Withings Integration app. Thermo support was added in 1.3.0 released on 2020-07-28. Second, is there anything in the logs? I believe you're the first one who has tested this device so it's possible there are some kinks to work out. I don't own one personally so I programmed it based on the Withings documentation.

The fact that you have battery but not temp makes me wonder if you're version is too old. The real-time temp reporting was what 1.3.0 added support for.

@c112 any update? I’d love to get this working.