[WITHDRAWN - Use the new Broadlink integration by @tomw] NATIVE Broadlink RM/RM Pro/RM Mini/SP driver

A screen capture will not help... the logs showing the initialize command running will...

I think you might be right.

Ok. The device is not responding to a discovery packet... which means that it is definately not compatible...

How did you set up the device? Did you use eControl or IHC or a different app?

It would appear that the newer devices do NOT have a local UDP interface and are not compatible with the eControl or IHC apps.

I set it up using the Broadlink app

This is the device info, it appears to be a "works with broadlink" device that also doesn't seem to pair with Google Home (yet)

I'm poised with my returns email...

If the device is a squarish device marketed under the BestCon.... Not Compatible...

(Oh... you added photos... I would suggest returning it and getting an RM2/RM3 device)

This is an insideous development... The new broadlink app will support the RM4/RM4C (BestCon) devices and the older RM3 devices... BUT it will update the device to remove the local UDP control features.... The Broadlink app is a CLOUD ONLY configuration....

If you configure an RM3 device with the Broadlink app, it will no longer work with this driver (or with homebridge-broadlink or python-broadlink or broadlinkgo). At this time, for the RM3 devices, this may be reversable, but I would expect that in the long run it may be permanent.

This is the correct one?


That should work... Kinda pricey though...

This should work as well RM3 Mini black bean

or this RM Mini

I would stay away from the "red bean" models... They appear to be a "new" model and I am not able to find any evidence that they will work with IHC or eControl.

Thanks, I've ordered some from your link.

Urgh. That's identical to the two new devices that arrived at my house yesterday.

It still seems the most viable IR solution. Harmony is painful and routines only (+cloud) and GlobalCache seems painful to implement too (+ more expensive).

So are we saying don't update the firmware on rm3 devices as well?

I updated both of my RM3s but I used the old IHC android app. They're working fine on this driver.

Which app is this? I used the IHC app to set things up but not had the opportunity to test your driver yet.

Oops didn't see this until after I posted. The question still remains, which is the offending app?

It called the "Broadlink app"... Is referred to as "the new Broadlink app" and is linked to from the iBroadlink.com site and the documentation included with the RM4 devices...

What it is called is really irrelevant... Use the IHC app, or the e-Control app. If you use any other app, you are asking for trouble.

As of right now, you can update the firmware from IHC or e-Control... These apps will update the device to the latest firmware with local control.... As is always advisable - If it works, don't update...

If you use the "new Broadlink app" to configure the device, part of the configuration is updating to the CLOUD ONLY firmware. As of now, this can be reversed by doing a hard-reset on the device (with the physical reset button on the device) and thgen configuring it with IHC or e-Control.


I can also confirm the IHC app in the play store to be fine as it updated the firmware on my RM3 when I first installed it earlier this week. The RM3 was literally sitting in the drawer for over a year until you came along! :+1:

Set up with the latest driver a few minutes ago without issue and test run went flawlessly with no log errors.

You say that like you expected problems with the driver....

I think I feel offended...


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NOOOOOOOOOO!:grinning: It's a compliment!

Now I just need to find my faithful old RM pro, this means I can finally utilise the stack of "Home easy" RF dimmer switches that live in my spares box. Useful for scene lighting.

Thanks for the hard work, having a cheap IR/RF link available via hubitat widens the possibilities quite dramatically.

Now i'm thinking of an integration app like Bryan's Send IP2IR. This has seriously opened up so much @cybrmage Can't thank you enough.